Chapter 22

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Donghyuck knocked on the door. He wasn't sure if this was the right place, but he hoped so. Mark told him not long ago that Jaemin lived with the werewolves. He decided to go visit him because he missed the younger a lot. He managed to dodge the questions of his parents on why he was leaving and ran his way to the wolves' place.

The door opened not long after. On the other side of the door stood a rather tall boy, but even though he was at least a foot taller than he was, Donghyuck could clearly see he was younger.

"Hello, my name is Donghyuck." He introduced himself very slowly, saying every syllable with care, as if he was talking to a creature of another planet. Jisung looked at him with a frown on his face, but after catching on on the situation, he decided to play along.

Jisung awakened his wolf and let out a loud growl. He tackled down Donghyuck as he transformed into his snow white wolf form. Donghyuck let out a deafening scream, making Jisung wince.

Jaemin came walking into the entreeway and saw the wolf hovering over a boy, although Jaemin hadn't seen him in forever, he knew for sure that it was Donghyuck. No one could scream as loudly as him.

"Jisung, what are you doing?" The mentioned boy, or wolf, turned his head and snarled at Jaemin. "Jisung, quit the act." Jaemin looked him straight in the eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

Jisung turned back into his human form after getting off the terrified boy beneath him. "You're no fun." Jisung mumbled, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked back into the house.

Donghyuck was still laying on the ground, completely paralyzed from the thing that happened a few seconds prior. "How did... I... he attacked... but..." There was no coherent sentence leaving his mouth.

"Jisung just likes to play around," Jaemin stated. "Come, I'll show you around." Jaemin pulled Donghyuck up from the ground and together they walked into the house. There Jaemin called the pack and after a minute they were all gathered in the living area.

Jaemin nudged Donghyuck with his elbow, indicating he should introduce himself. And so he did, but again in the agonizing slow pace. "Hello, my name is Donghyuck, what is your name?" Donghyuck articulated as clearly as possible, adding some hand movements to hopefully clarify his introduction.

"Jisung, why is he acting like that?" Taeyong said softly, but still loud enough for everyone to hear, he leaned towards Jisung while still eyeing the weird boy.

"If I knew, I would have told you." Jisung shrugged and put his attention back on the hazelnuts he was munching on. Yuta laughed at Jisung as he was stuffing his cheeks with the nuts, making him look like a squirrel. Ironically squirrels were Jisung's favorite wolf meal.

"Why are they all staring at me so weirdly?" Donghyuck whispered to Jaemin who was looking at him too. "Because you treat them like they are some kind of animal!" Jaemin said while raising his hands to his shoulder, his palms facing upwards.

"Well technically-" Jisung started, but he was shushed by Jaemin when he wasn't even halfway into his sentence.

"You are human right now," Jaemin stated, his gaze switching from Jisung to Donghyuck. "And therefore, you," Jaemin poked Donghyuck's chest with his index finger. "You should treat them like humans."

Donghyuck looked back and forth between Jaemin and the boys on the couches. The younger of the two sighed and decided to do it himself then. "Donghyuck, these are Taeyong, Jisung, Yuta and Johnny." Jaemin introduced while pointing at the boys respectively.

Each wolf greeted Donghyuck one by one. Donghyuck greeted them back with his face as red as a tomato. He goes to school, how could he make such a mistake.
Jaemin led him to his room, leaving the wolves behind on the couches in the main room.

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