Chapter 14

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Jaemin was laying on his tummy on the couch. He felt like his parents were ignoring him. They were probably still mad because he left without hesitation, but he didn't regret it at all. He got to hang out with Jeno and it was fun. He finally got to think about something else than all the problems he had caused.

Jaemin rolled over to his back and stared at the ceiling, he was extremely bored. It was nothing new, Jaemin usually had not much to do. He was home alone almost everyday since both of his parents work and Donghyuck goes to school.

But now that Donghyuck was home, a thought popped up in his head. He entered his bedroom and Donghyuck was sitting at their small table trying to solve a wooden jigsaw puzzle. But Jaemin was ready to convince him into going outside with him.

"Donghyuck, come outside with me please. Let's jump rope together," Jaemin whined with the most annoying tone that could come out of his mouth. Although Jaemin was almost an adult, he still enjoyed activities like these. Donghyuck turned his head around and he didn't look very happy.

"I'm busy Jaemin. I want some time alone," Donghyuck said and Jaemin didn't have to be told twice. When he had this kind of face expression, Jaemin knew better than to not annoy him. He looked sad and preoccupied and he didn't want to make it worse.

"Alright I'll go play alone then," Jaemin said with a disappointed sigh, he hoped he somehow could make Donghyuck join him. He walked out of the room, but he didn't hear another person opening it again. He sighed again and inched towards the door to exit the house, but someone knocked on it before he did. He wondered who it could be. Maybe it was one of Donghyuck's school friends, even though he didn't have that many.

He opened the door with a welcoming smile, but he was surprised when he saw two guards, identifiable by their uniform. He looked them up and down with a surprised face.

"Are you Na Jaemin?" The guard asked. Jaemin nodded and gulped dryly. "I am."

He was in trouble for sure now. He used to be able to slip past every fraud he did like when he stole food or when he walked in the castle's garden without permission.

"You are arrested for violating the kingdom rules and attacking innocent people."

Jaemin looked back at his parents, but they didn't seem to care. They only looked up once before averting their attention again. Jaemin was sure that they knew this would happen, honestly he wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be the ones calling them. The guards grabbed his arms and tied his hands behind his back.

Jaemin couldn't believe this was actually happening. He was being pushed harshly towards somewhere he didn't know. He looked back at his parents as they closed the door of their home. Could he still call this house his home in the end though?

He couldn't do anything, he felt powerless. He tripped over his own feet as the guards guided him through the kingdom. Shortly after he saw the enormous castle and he knew he wasn't going there to be thanked or be applauded. He came to realize that his life wasn't going to be the same old one it used to be.

His eyes itched. He wanted to tear up, but he didn't. It was a waste of time, that's why Jaemin never cried. He deserved what was happening to him, after hurting Donghyuck and putting others in danger, Jaemin could only cooperate.

A big metal door opened and he knew this was the notorious prison everyone talked about. He entered and when his eyes looked around, he saw a few people in cells. They looked like they lived in very bad conditions and Jaemin never felt so much fear. He was just an innocent cityboy, he didn't belong with these criminals in jail.

He got thrown inside a cell before it got locked. Jaemin groaned from the pain in his knees, on the way here the guards kept pushing him forward, urging him to walk faster and faster. He stood up straight and looked around and he could only see the man opposite of him through the bars of the cells.

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