Chapter 33

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Full of anger, Jeno stormed to the room where his parents were having a cup of tea. His father barely had the cup in his hand before it fell, Jeno slapped his hand and with that the cup of tea spilt over his father's pants and on the ground.

King Donghae rose from his seat and threatened his son with his stern look on his face. "Lee Jeno," he began. Knights already gathered in the throne hall before anything could escalate. Donghae however, didn't get to finish his sentence as Jeno spoke before him.

"Are you out of your mind, father?!" He yelled, grabbing his father's collar in the process. Jaehyun already stepped forward to stop Jeno from doing anything irrational, but Queen Jihyo stopped him by raising a hand.

"What are you going to do to Jaemin?!" Jeno had a hard time controlling his anger, his hands were itching to throw punches to his father's face. Now Jeno had his hands around the King's neck, only squeezing it a little.

"Lee Jeno, do you actually think you can kill your father like that?" Jihyo's calm voice sounded in his ears. Of course he didn't, normally he wouldn't have the audacity to do something this bold.

Jeno took his hands away from his father and turned to his mother who was standing alongside Jaehyun.

"Are you really going to kill Jaemin?" Jeno questioned his parents, looking from his father to the one who birthed him. It was silent for a few moments, no one made a sound. Jihyo looked at her husband who avoided eye contact with her.

"It's better for you that way-" She started but when Jeno whipped his head around to face her, she quickly shut her mouth. "I am in love with that boy," Jeno began, knowing he just exposed himself, he decided not to care anymore. "For fuck's sake, I want to marry him."

"Jeno, we found a beautiful princess for you-"

"I don't want a fucking princess, I want Jaemin to stay alive, is that too much to ask for?" Jeno felt a new wave of anger wash over him when the thought of a princess filled his mind.

"You know we can't let that happen. You and him can't be together, he caused our kingdom loads of trouble. Someone like him doesn't deserve to live."

"Then what about me? Don't any of you care for me?" Jeno asked as he pointed a finger at at everyone staring at him in the room.

"Of course we do sweetheart, but we can't always let everything you want, happen. Things don't work like that." Jeno wanted to puke at the pet name his mother gave him, above all that, his parents never granted his wishes. Not even when he asked for fried chicken from the market on his birthday.

"You did nothing for me my entire life! I will never ask for something else," Jeno fell to his knees, he put his hands to the ground and laid his head on top of them. "Let him live mom." Jeno begged, tears welled up in his eyes at the thought of Jaemin really getting executed.

"Please. I beg you mom." Queen Jihyo kept quiet, although she never saw the two of them interacting, she heard from her knight countless of times how much Jeno liked to spend time with this so called Jaemin. It reminded her of her childhood, she once had a friend like that. Luckily for her, her parents allowed her relationship and now that friend was the one ruling with her.

While seeing her son beg and cry, she hesitated on what she had to do with the other boy's life.

"Jaehyun, take Jeno away." The King ordered, knowing exactly his wife had a soft spot for her son despite having a stern image.

"Mom I beg you," Jeno told her again, trying to pursue her in letting his boyfriend live. "Mom please!" He yelled before being dragged to his room. When their son left the room, King Donghae turned to his wife.

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