Chapter 23

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"Hey Jaem," Jeno greeted when he saw the younger come from the woods. Jeno had been laying on the grass of the open space where they would usually train, he propped on his elbows and lifted his upper body from the ground. Now he saw Jaemin's face was gloomy. "Are you okay?" Jeno got up from the ground and approached the other, he laid his hands over Jaemin's shoulders.

"Yeah, let's just begin training." Jaemin mumbled, shrugging his hands from his shoulders and sitting down cross legged afterwards. Jeno was still cautious but sat down opposite of him anyway.

They started on mental training first today, they would alternate between physical and mental training. Jeno was talking Jaemin through the steps and slowly he felt himself relax, he closed his eyes just like Jeno and let out a relieved sigh.

Jeno looked at Jaemin and something felt different. Jaemin looked bothered and uneasy for some reason. Jeno wondered if it was his fault.

Jaemin slowly felt himself slipping away into his thoughts, some were nice, he remembered that one time Jeno and him flew above the city. And some were not, he remembered how he and Donghyuck parted ways that day.

That, until he felt a sharp pain in his head, it was like someone drove a sword through it. Jaemin tried to ignore the pain and concentrate on Jeno's calming voice. It worked, but only for a minute or two, then he felt his head throb again. It was now hitting him harder than before.

Jaemin let out a deep groan, this made Jeno's eyes shoot open. He studied his face and noticed Jaemin's features showed nothing more than pain. Jeno quickly got up and ran to his bag, taking out the medicine which would prevent Jaemin from having migraines. But before he could get the pills out, Jeno was yanked back by a strong grip on his arm and dropped the bag in his hold.

Jeno looked up and was met with something he hadn't expected. Jaemin's eyes, now bright red, were piercing into his brown soft ones.

"Jaemin?" The mentioned boy leaned closer to Jeno's face, studying it carefully before changing the angle and studying him further. "Jaemin?" Jeno tried again, but Jaemin didn't answer, instead his eyes flew up from where they had previously been looking.

Jeno's neck.

Jeno tried to peel Jaemin's hand from his arm, but the younger only tightened his hand around his wrist more.

"Jaemin, think about our training," Jaemin leaned closer to his face. "Clear your mind, think about nice things." Jaemin's face still hovered over Jeno's, and to say he was scared would be an understatement, Jeno was completely petrified.

Jeno knew he didn't have much time left, he saw the way Jaemin was looking at him, how his red eyes were scanning every detail.

"Think... think of me."

It was silent for a moment, Jaemin leaned back from and blinked a few times, Jeno swore his eyes turned brown again, even if it only were for a fraction of a second.

Jaemin shook his head and in a split second, his hand came in contact with Jeno's shoulder, throwing him back with an enormous amount of force. Jeno flew a few metres away and crashed into a tree. The air was knocked out of his lungs and he was struggling to get the oxygen back into his body.

A sharp pain shot in his lower back. Jaemin walked forward with an inhuman pace and harshly grabbed Jeno's arm, lifted him, and flung him in another direction.

Jeno felt helpless. His back now killing him, and he was still gasping for air. He was almost completely sure he had dislocated his arm from the force Jaemin threw him at. He knew if he didn't get any air in his lungs right now, he would be dead in the blink of an eye.

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