Chapter 17

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Today was a long day of training, Jeno's schedule was very tight lately. He had a lot of things to do and many things to think about, but he still spared some time for Jaemin.

They were both exhausted from the intense training Jeno had prepared for them, not only physically, but also mentally. They laid on the soft grass, looking up in the sky. When they saw that it was getting dark they left the forest and headed to Jaemin's favorite place in the village. It was the same place him and Donghyuck usually went to. He missed Donghyuck in all honesty, he thought about how Donghyuck was doing many times.

Was he safe now that Jaemin was gone? Were Donghyuck and his parents happier now that Jaemin disappeared from their lives?

Jeno looked up at the stars in the sky. He could feel Jaemin's presence next to him, his shoulder brushing against his. Jeno got closer subtly to the other boy. Weirdly, he longed for Jaemin's touch. When they trained they would sometimes be so close that Jeno's heart would go crazy, but he ignored it and tried to push the feeling away. He was starting to wonder if he was really that sexually frustrated to try to get affection from a guy, from Jaemin.

He felt a breeze brush over his face. He felt like he was on another planet, with only Jaemin beside him. All the stress and problems disappeared from Jeno's shoulders, he felt so relieved to temporarily forget about all his royal obligations.

Jeno looked beside him to take a glance of Jaemin. He was a very beautiful boy with unique features, Jeno couldn't deny that. His gaze went from his long eyelashes to his pink lips, his eyes seemed to reflect the stars in the sky. Jeno was going crazy for sure, his heart was racing in his chest.

Jaemin turned his head around and widened his eyes in realization when he noticed Jeno was already looking at him. They were so close, he could feel the other lightly breathing on his face. They were sharing the same air, their noses only a few inches apart.

Jaemin wanted to do something, but he didn't dare to do so. He wanted to look away and act like nothing happened, but he was drowning inside Jeno's dark brown eyes. He couldn't look away, all he could do was stare deeper. He bit down on his lips, feeling anxious for some reason.

He felt something on his forehead and Jeno had flicked it with his finger. Jeno laughed when Jaemin puffed out his cheeks. Jaemin's hand flew up to his forehead to rub the spot which was turning a faint shade of red.

"I know I'm handsome Jaemin, no need to stare at me like that." Jeno said with a grin on his face that Jaemin wanted to brush off.

"Don't forget about the fact that I caught you staring at me first Jen." Jaemin replied as he pushed Jeno away from his face.

"You had something on your face, that's why." Jeno lied. Jaemin laughed and scoffed.

"Right, whatever you say." Jaemin smiled as he averted his eyes. Something felt weird, different. Jeno couldn't put a finger on it, but what he did know was that he appreciated Jaemin's presence more than anything in the world.

"Look there!" Jaemin said, he raised his arms and pointed to the sky, he got up slowly and his eyes didn't leave the night sky. "Jeno, do you know how to find the north by looking at the stars?"

He did, his father had taught him how to navigate around the kingdom using the stars. But seeing how Jaemin's eyes lit up, he decided to not tell him.

"I don't." Jeno got up from his lying position and stood next to Jaemin whose eyes were still looking up.

"Do you see those four stars forming a square?" Jaemin connected the stars in the air with his finger, he leaned closer to Jeno's body to make sure he was pointing in the right direction. "That's Ursa Major. When you go up you see the three other stars complete the constellation."

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