Chapter 1

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"And then Mr. Lee started talking about dragons and stuff, but didn't they go extinct, like ages ago?" Donghyuck said, as he put his hands behind his head, using it as a pillow. Jaemin just hummed in response, since he wasn't really listening to his best friend. He giggled to himself as he spotted a bunny playing with a fox in the sky, Jaemin loved looking at the blue heavens above him and trying to spot different things in the clouds. He heard an annoying voice in the background though, which was disturbing his peace, and that sound was Donghyuck's voice.

The boys were laying in a field far away from the village center. Spring had just begun and the grass was already a beautiful shade of green. The birds were singing a lovely melody all together and the rays of sun were hitting both of the boys, leaving a warm feeling on their skin. Jaemin's eyelids were heavy and he felt way too relaxed to be able to listen to Donghyuck.

The real reason they were out was to pick up some groceries for Donghyuck's mom at the market, but instead of doing that, Donghyuck had convinced Jaemin to go on an adventure with him, where they would "pass terrible creatures and conquer whoever crossed their path!". As Donghyuck proposed this idea, he made several dramatic gestures which would only add to his story. Not many minutes later though, Jaemin found himself following the older walking to their favorite spot.

"By the way, Jaemin did you know dragons have to choose you before they actually... Are you even listening to me?" Donghyuck lifted his head to see if Jaemin was genuinely interested, but of course he wasn't. Jaemin's eyes, who were following the clouds prior, were now closed, enjoying the soft rays of sunlight.

"For your information, I am not. How's your heart doing by the way, has it recovered from the heart attack from the last feast?" Jaemin smiled at himself, his eyes still closed, knowing his question would annoy Donghyuck. He heard the boy next to him roll over on the grass. Donghyuck, who was now laying on his belly on the ground, covered his face with his hands. Already feeling his cheeks go hot at only the thought of what happened back then.

"It did not, and it won't ever again." Donghyuck sighed. He thought back to the day he saw Mark, which absolutely was the best day of his life. The boy impressed him because of how he looked so serious about his role to protect the kingdom. One single glance at him and a small smile, which was nothing more than a tug on the olders lips, left him with an unusual feeling in his stomach even after he came home.

"We should really go to the market now, the sun is going to set soon." Donghyuck stated, tugging on Jaemin's arm in an attempt to get him up.

"You're right, mom is probably going to be mad if we're not home in time." Jaemin answered as he sat up and gained back his energy. Him and Donghyuck weren't related, but it felt like it. He grew up with him and his parents, and the four of them are what he has known all his life. He doesn't really remember his biological parents, on account that they died horribly when he was just a small baby, and he didn't bother to try to remember the rest. He liked his life as it is right now.

"Also, Donghyuck, dragons aren't extinct. They're just rare." Donghyuck stared at Jaemin. He knew Jaemin wasn't really listening to what he had said earlier.

"That's exactly what I said. You just didn't listen." Donghyuck said with an exasperated tone. Jaemin just scoffed and purposely bumped his shoulder on Donghyuck's playfully. They were used to teasing each other.

"Just admit you don't listen in class and even a guy who doesn't go to school has more knowledge than you." Jaemin mocked. He wished he could go to school like Donghyuck, but at the same time he preferred not to. He was not fond of the looks he got from others for whatever reason, so he prefered to keep a low profile and not bring any unwanted attention to him.

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