Chapter 3

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"Can I hit it today, Soyeon?" Baekhyun wraps his arm around her shoulder. She swats it away with a twitching smile, "Of course!.." Woojin shoves the horny dude playfully, "Dude, you hit jackpot!" "Aw shit~" Baekhyun licks his lips. "..NOT," Soyeon rolls her eyes and walks ahead of us with her bag.

Woojin bursts out laughing while the other curses under his breath. They all forget about me and leave me behind. I'm thankful for that, actually.

"Found you."

I almost trip and fall face flat on the ground, but the person catches me. They hold my stomach, back hugging me, with one hand, while the other is holding their bag. I instantly turn to see who it is but is greeted with a small smile, "Good morning, Y/N."

I sigh, "You scared me." Sana giggles and let goes of me. I continue walking with Sana trailing me. Her arms were behind herself, "Can I, um, talk to you?" "You already are," I mumble to myself but she hears anyway. She doesn't say anything in reply.

Sana peeks at my face, "How'd you get that one?" Hm? What one? "What one?" I ask her. She reaches out her hand and taps my forehead bandage. I flinch as I stung for a small second. "Ah- sorry.." Sana puts down her hand but still looks curious.

"I..." I can't tell her that it was mom "...tripped on a rock going back home and fell onto the pavement. I have to go now, bye." I rush to enter the school and we went to our separate lockers.

I got done putting my stuff away and I could already see Sana coming over. I turn around and speed walk to my class. The entire day, I managed to avoid Sana.

The bell rung, dismissing the last class.

As everyone is leaving the classroom, I'm caught up with packing up. A girl walks up to me, "We have a test next week don't we?" She makes a god-awful whining noise. Baekhyun who's sitting beside me, grins, "You know what can make it better? Deez-" "AY WHAT'S GOOD EVERYONE!" Another guy comes running in.

"Woojin, shut up for once," Soyeon unclasps her ears from her hands and glares at Woojin. "My bad, my bad, babe," He glances at her. "Babe? Who's your 'babe'?" Soyeon questions harshly. "N-never mind," Woojin cowers away as Baekhyun punches his shoulder.

They stand next to me as I make sure I didn't forget anything. The three were like vultures watching my every move. I walk out the classroom with them behind me in their own world.

I turn the corner- "Ah-" I stop just in time on the tip of my toes. Whew, I almost bumped into someone. Our noses are only a few centimeters apart, her hands that hold papers are stuck between our bodies. My eyes adjust to the closeness and I realize who it is.

I try backing away but she grabs onto me, a few of her papers scatter on the ground. She speaks dangerously close, "Tell them to leave you." I unconsciously hold my breath. I try backing away again, but she steps on my foot, not allowing me to do so.

"I can't," I whisper. She steps harder, making me grunt. As much as I want to click my tongue right now, I can't. I turn around, "Um.." "Hm?" The three parasites look up. I make eye contact with all of them. "Sorry guys but you're gonna have to head home without me," I give an awkward laugh.

"Huh, why?" Woojin questions. I try to think of something that will make them leave, but my brain's buffering, "Well....." "We're doing a survey and experiment to see if the environment affects the learning process. It might take long, but would you like to volunteer?" The girl pinches my back for failing the simple task. I try my best not to squirm around.

"Oh..." They all look at each other.

"My dad needs me for grocery shopping. See you later then, Y/N," Soyeon is the first to leave. "You two? Would you like to participate?" She asks the remaining two. Baekhyun and Woojin glance at each other, "We, uh, have a project to work on. Bye, Y/N. We'll explain to your mom!" Both run off.

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