Chapter 19

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I leaned back on my hands and tilted my head away from the group, acting like I wasn't interested, as everyone else became quiet so they can catch Mina's awaited answer.

Oh come on, this question isn't that bad... There's no way someone is gonna tap out on the first round of truth or dare either. I mean, I'd personally answer the question rather than drink that monstrous liquid. Everyone here probably agrees, right?

"I...—" Mina starts for a bit then trails off, catching all our ears. I subconsciously gulp while waiting for her to continue. She opens her mouth but closes it quickly, "I can't do it!" Mina pours herself a drink without notifying us and gulps it all in one go.

A tad bit of disappointment..? Washed down me. Well, it can't be helped. I return back to my original position now that Mina's is over. But if Mina were to answer, I wonder what her answer would be?

I shake my thoughts away.

"For the group round, does the shot count individually or..?" I ask out of curiosity. I see how Wendy tries to signal me with her eyes not to ask that. Ahh... she doesn't want to answer either. I see... My shoulders tremble as I keep in my evil laugh.

I scoot closer to Yuna and whisper into her ear to make sure no one else hears me. Wendy's secrete glare burns through my side, but what fun is it without a sprinkle of hatred?

I finish telling Yuna my opinion and she takes a moment to process it in. "Okay!" She looks at me and nods. Yuna claps her hands to get the others' attention, "For the whole group rounds, the person who takes a shot only cancels their turn. The rest still have to answer unless they decide to take a shot too!"

Only Wendy was the one to groan in annoyance. She jabs me lightly while grumbling. I stick out my tongue to tease her and she rolls her eyes. Today I found out teasing Wendy really hits my bored spot. And as you can see, I'm using that knowledge.

"Trying to say something while not sounding weird is really hard, y'know?"

"Yes, yes- WAIT!-"
"OH MY G-"


"Woah..." I stare shocked at Wendy. Was I expecting her voice to sound like that? Absolutely not. Maybe it's just the momentary unusualness that messes my brain up, but this was such a sudden event.

"Surprise?" Wendy giggles as she sees how we sat frozen with our mouths open.

"A surprise it very much is.." Mina murmurs in disbelief. Yuna seems very happy her voice is back, "When did you get it back?!"

"Hm hm~ Well.." She smirks triumphantly to make us lean closer. Wendy held her cheek on one hand, acting like it was no big deal, "I've been gradually getting it back since last week, but I decided to not tell y'all so I can make it a surprise. And from what I can tell, it was a successful surprise!"

Wendy continued on with ranting how much stuff she's kept in for the past month or so.

"You don't know much anger I've been holding in about Jae's dirty socks that I always find on the couch.."

Most of it were luckily just small things like her not being able to yell someone's name when she needs them, or finding Yuna's pencils that are specifically used for school-related things everywhere that's not in their room.

We almost completely forgot about the game were playing when I saw Mina suddenly turn away from the group convo to gag a bit.

"—Are you okay, Mina?"

The group's position changed through the ruckus of Wendy's news; the three talkatives were sitting in an open circle towards me and Mina, while we were slouched back on the foot of the couch.

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