Chapter 24

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She picks up what she doesn't know is Mina gift bag and smiles smugly, "First present of the night, let's see what it is!" Through my peripheral vision, I see Mina turn away and put both her hands in her lap, nervous to see Yuna's reaction.

Yuna pulls out a crocheting kit from the thin layers of colored tissue and took a good look at it before grinning wide, "Knitting?! How'd you know I wanted to try?" Mina smiles, glad that she likes it, "It's crocheting, not knitting. Second, you think I don't see how hard you stare when I'm crocheting on the couch? I get goosebumps every time."

"A-ahhh..." Seem like Yuna herself didn't realize she was staring that hard to where Mina could feel her presence. She set it beside and grabbed the next present randomly from the remaining three, "Thanks, Mina. Let's do it together when you have time! Now, next is...!"

The big bag catches Yuna's hand, getting itself picked. "Woah, pretty big bag..." She opens it and take out the tissue on top like she did with Mina's present. Out from bag comes three sets of pajamas that seem oddly familiar.

My hand goes to point out, "Isn't that.." "Same as mine? Yep!" Wendy reveals. She takes a set that Yuna wasn't holding and shows her the full design even though we've already seen them well enough, "I got us this so we could match. Since we sleep in the same room, might as well match, right?"

Yuna hugs all the sets and squirms around, "I love it! I'll wear it after washing!" She leaves the clothes in her lap and goes on the choose the next gift.

Her hand lands on my bag and brings it forth. My heart beats out of my chest as she briefly studies the outside. She's not gonna like it, she's not gonna like it, she's not gonna like it, she's not gonna!-


She doesn't like it!

"PEPERO? And choco pie?! Three of each?! Who?! Who got me this!?" Yuna eyes me and Jae, the remaining gifters. I should've taken more time choosing! I bet she's gonna throw it back... I slowly raise my hand with a uncomfortable smile, "Me..."

Yuna tackles me onto the ground, "I love you, Y/N/N!" "Heh?!" Her sudden words made me blink. I obvious knew that she meant it platonically, but the words still jumbled me up. It's been a long, long time since I've heard it directed at me.

"Uhm, thanks..? Yo-you should check for more," I help her off my chest and grab my bag for her. Yuna digs inside and finds the last item, "Box?" "Box," I nod. A box it was indeed.

She takes off the top and gasps, "Did you make this?! Woah!" Yuna picks up the handmade bracelet I made in whatever free time I had. It stretches onto her hand and she holds it out to see how it looks on her, "It's so cute... First gift from Y/N/N! I'll wear it for the rest of my life!"

"Rest of your life?! That's a bit.." I was thankful she liked it, but it was a bit much, in my opinion, to wear it for the rest of your life. Who am I to judge though? No one, exactly. I take a sip out of my can of soda.

"Giving you just snacks seemed too little, so I made it myself in secret."

"Awww, thank you, Y/N/N! It's sooo cute, like you."

I choke on my drink. My hand goes over my mouth to stop the soda from splurting out. Wendy hits my back in attempt to help me, "You okay, Y/N?" Jae is holding his stomach, dying of laughter, "HAHAHAA, YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE, Y/N!"

"Y-YUNA!- WHAT?-" I manage call out her name. It was useless for me to try and hold a conversation as I keep getting interrupted by my coughs.

A hand gives me a bottle of water to drink, and I gladly take it. I chug it all down and cough out the last bits of soda that went down the wrong hole. I close my eyes and calm my breathing, "Th-thank you." That really saved me.

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