Chapter 10

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"NO!" That was the first time I yelled at Mina. Maybe the first time in years—I can't remember well. I spring to the other side of the room as she grumbles, chasing after. "It's not like I want to do this! Wendy told me to, and she won't let me not go through with it," Mina shouts as she jumps over the bed. I can feel her glare at me.

"Well! I can do it myself!" I can't let her see my scars! If she does then.. I don't know, but it won't be good. Not today or ever!

Mina smirks and chuckles, making me scared for my life. A sweat went down my temple. I turn around as I get cornered. My first thought? "YU-YUNA!" I yell out as loud as I can. We could hear her footsteps come up the stairs to then where we are. "YES?" Yuna questions as she barged in.

I look at her with pleading eyes, "Please help me-" "I have to wipe her body, but she won't let me," Mina just had to interrupt. My shoulders slump and I whine, "Minaaa..!" I knew I had made things worse by calling for help when Yuna faces me with an apologetic smile, "Sorry, Y/N/N.. it'll only take a few minutes."

And, they began their counter.

They took a step forward and I took a step back. It repeated like that for a couple of seconds until I reached the devastating truth—the wall. It was only a matter of time until I got jumped. There wasn't even enough energy in me to think of another solution. I shut my eyes tight and clench my hand, "FINE, FINE. YOU WIN." I sigh deeply. I hate my life.

The girls still inched closer to me, unsure if it was a trap or not. I squint my eyes and pursed my lips as I walk to Yuna, turned her around, and force her to the exit. "Get better, Y/N/N!" She smiles as if she hadn't just betrayed me. I nod quite ticked off, "I will." Usually two is better than one, but in this case, one is better than two.

I lay on the sheets with my fingers interlocked over my eyes, my feet hanging off the bed. I was too flustered to have a glance at Mina, "Look, I'll let you wipe me or whatever, Mina.." I gulp my anxiety away. Come on, you can do it, Kang Y/N. This is for your own good.

"..But, can you, erm, blindfold yourself...?" I try my best to not falter away and keep a straight face. Of course, I fail miserably trying to do so. My lips are pursed to the depths of my gums, and my fingertips pressed onto my eyes.

The room stood quiet until Mina finally spoke, "There, now undress." Heh? I peek out of my fingers, and there Mina is, already in the process of blindfolding herself with a simple long sleeve. How professional, I stare at her until she made one final pull that tightens the knot.

Strangely, I didn't have the need to get her assurance she wouldn't peek. I had the feeling that she wouldn't do such thing. Rather, she wouldn't dare cross the line between us no matter the bad blood between us. Trust, simply be said, is what I felt.

I take off my shirt and set it beside me. The sudden change in temperature made me rub my arms. My eyes widen as something came to my attention. I turn towards Mina, my mouth almost chattering. "Wait- do I.. do I have to..." I ruffle my hair "My bra, do I have to take it off?"

"Huh? Uhm- yeah, but not all the way! Just.. unlatch it," Mina fumbles. I see her slightly adjusting the shirt on her eyes to distract herself. My throat became drier than ever. I nod even though Mina wouldn't be able to see it.

To my discovery, I tried my best to reach to my back, but I wasn't flexible enough. I bite my inner cheek and try once more. I successfully reached it, but there was no way I'm able to undo it with only one hand. I grumble to myself while staring at the wall in front of me. Life really wants to be a bitch, doesn't it?

In all honestly, I'm getting tired of all my dismay. My head drops down and I pinch the bridge of my nose before sighing, "Mina, can you do it for me? I.. ugh, I can't do it myself." Was it the fever fuming up, or was it the room that's hot? Either way, I'm getting kinda dizzy.

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