Chapter 31

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"Please calm down, sir!"

Lee Know blocks a different senior officer from heading to Mina. He worriedly put up a smile, "Don't worry, Mr.Minatozaki already told me what to do with this lady. You don't need to concern yourself over her."

The guys raises his brow at Lee Know, "Are you disrespecting your senior? You think my judgement is worse than fucking Minatozaki's, don't you? I've been put on this case, so move over, Lee Know." He pushes him out the way.

Lee Know gets in his way again and smiles at him, a fake one obviously. "Wh-what?! Of course not, sir! I just don't want to take any of your time. Leave this girl to me!" He motions his hands elsewhere.

Mina on the other hand was back on the set of seats. She didn't allow herself to sleep at all during the wait, and thank god she didn't. If Mina took her nap that she well needed, she wouldn't have noticed the senior officer getting ready to apprehend her into the interrogation room.

Mina was on the verge of closing her eyes when she saw him, kicked him, and ran away in time for Lee Know to get between the two. Lee Know was busy replying to emails, so he didn't notice the other officer come in.

"Sir, sir! No, you cannot lay hands on the girl!" Lee Know sacrificed his own limbs to get grabbed by the senior police officer instead of Mina. He was almost vomiting with all the touching.

Mina could only sit far away in the corner, trying to calm herself down from shutting down again. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay. You're gonna be fine, don't worry. One of them will come for you. They'll find you for sure," She comforted herself amidst the chaos.

Mina covers her ears, hands no longer cuffed, tired of their back-and-forth arguing, "I'm gonna be okay, they'll find me before things get bad." But what if they forgot about me? She shook her head to remove those thoughts.

"I heard there was a new cafe that opened nearby, sir! How about we head there later?! Get our minds off work things, y'know?" Lee Know was now practically back hugging him to keep him away from Mina.

Why is he trying so hard? Mr.Minatozaki said he'll give a good word to their boss and would mention a raise for Lee Know if he did as he asked. Raise means more money, more money means less stress.

"Let go of me!" He grunts.

I come bursting through the doors with heavy breathing, "Wh-where's?!-" "Oh thank god, finally!" Lee Know interrupts me. For a few seconds, I just stood there, catching my breath while looking weirdly at the two officers wrestling each other. What the hell are they doing?

"You're here for the girl, right? Just take her and go! Hurry!" The young officer shouts at me. This was a dangerous place for both of us to be, so I took his word. I look around and find Mina sitting in the corner of the room.

I stop myself in time from yelling her name. I rush over to her and instinctively put my hands over her own that are covering her ears, "Are yo-!?" Mina flinched when I touched her, and I could see her heels ready to plunge my guts just as she did in the shed.

I almost stumble back in terror, remembering the ache that coursed through my torso, but thankfully, she saw me before she did. "Y-Y/N?" Her voice was like a whisper.

She was scared.

Mina was scared.

No one could be dumb enough to not hear the fear in her.

Seeing her bloodshot eyes, my hand subconsciously went to close them. I lay my palm horizontal to her eyelids, making them close. With my free hand, I go in closer, nearly on my knees, and hug her, "I'm here now, Mina. You don't need to be afraid."

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