Chapter 12

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Once I fell asleep, my head fell onto Mina's shoulder. She didn't particularly mind, "I'm only taking care of my mess..." She's only taking care of me because thinks she caused my fever.

Mina licks her dry lips and uses her senses to guess my anatomy. My relatively calm breathing was next to her ear, tickling it. No one's there to see it, but her ears are as red as cherries. I groan in my slumber and fixed myself on my Mina's shoulder.

My lips brushes her neck.

She pushes me away and I fall back onto the bed. Thankfully, or so, I didn't wake up. Mina took one breath and became stable again. "You're so.. annoying, do you know that?" She sighs as she glared at me through her blindfold.

"I'm done anyways so.." Her hands find themselves flipping me over and clipping my bra back together. She was about to take off the shirt on her eyes but she remembers I'm still half naked. Mina leaves it on and slumps back into the chair.

"It hurts."

"Hm?" It hurts? She wonders. She checks on me but my unconscious self flinched, which she felt. Is she awake now? My nails scratch my recovered scars, "It hurts, It hurts, It hurts..!" I start rubbing my feet in strong motions against the bedsheet.

Mina had a bunch of struggle but she managed to get the back of her hand on my forehead, "Eh? It got worse? But I just wiped her? What..?" She was confused. It'd be great if she could see right now, but she already told me she wouldn't look.

Mina groans in frustration, "This little sick, embarrassed, insecure girl...-" "Why am I alive..? I want to die. Please let me die." Tears gushed out my eyes, but Mina couldn't see. She makes an aggravated sigh, "I'll take full blame later!" In one motion, she pulls the blindfold of her sweaty eyes.

Mina's breath hitches once more, but this time not like before. Her brows furrow themself and her legs almost give out. "What in the world happened to you, Y/N..?" Mina's thoughts accidentally come out through her mouth.

Someone barges in.


"Mina?!-" He gasps "Y/N!" Namjoon runs over to me. He looks over to Mina, "Get out and close the door. Make sure none of the others, including you, come in here." Mina has never heard him sound so serious in her time with him. She doesn't think anyone else has either. For the first time, she felt intimidated by him.

She hesitantly nods and exits the room, but before she could, Namjoon adds a few more words. "I'm trusting you, Mina. Do. Not. Say. A. Thing. About. Y/N. To. Anyone. Understand?" He wasn't looking at her anymore and is fixated on me.

Mina wants to know more, but she already knows Namjoon isn't gonna tell her. There's also the part where she remembers how I didn't ask about her. She's thankful for that. She's thankful that I didn't try and pry into her life during a moment like that.

"I know, I won't say anything about her. Call me if you need help.. or something," Mina leaves and closes the door behind her, resting her back on it. She looks down on the floor, "I won't say anything to the others, but I have to say something to Y/N. I'm already keeping enough secrets to myself..."

"How's Y/N?" Jae comes out of his room. Mina got startled for second but collected herself, "Her fever got worse for some reason, but now Namjoon's taking care of her." He sighs, "Jeez.. that dude is a workaholic, I swear. I'm pretty sure he said he's gonna go back again soon and he's not here to stay long."

Mina came to a conclusion,

Namjoon is here because I'm sick, not because his business trip is over. He took his important trip out of the way and decided to come back here to make sure no one knows my secret—the scars that cover my body in every way.

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