Chapter 1

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When can I leave...

I stare blankly at the pale floor of the faculty room with my mouth slightly hanging open.

"Are you listening, Y/N?"

"Heh?" My eyes widen themselves when I look up to see the teacher reaching their hand towards my face in attempt to wave me out of my trance.

I cover my head and drop down with my eyes shut tight. My eyes were shut tightly for a few seconds until realize what I had just done. "F-fly. There was a fly, haha," I awkwardly laugh, trying to play it off. Wow, way to go, Y/N. Crawl into a ball because of a fly, yes.

I stood back up and dust my hands on the back of my thighs. "Continue, Mr.Hyojong," I smile at the teacher. He looks at me with a brow raised. Mr.Hyojong shook his head and sighs, "Try listening this time if you would, Y/N."

"As I was saying, ever since you started hanging with Woojin and etcetera, your grades have plummeted quite the bit," He grabs a piece of paper on his desk that was probably my report card and taps it.

I bite the inner side of my cheek as I stare at the paper. If mom finds out about this then I'm dead. Mr.Hyojong seemed to notice it, "You aren't failing, but I'm just worried that this trend will continue, and you'll sooner or later not care anymore."

I sigh in relief and relax my tense muscles. I attempt to give him a smile that reaches my eyes, "Don't worry, Mr. Hyojong. I'll work on it." He adjusts his glasses and nods, "I'm trusting you on that, Y/N, since you were top student at this school for multiple years before." I nod with him to gain his trust.

"You may go now. Have a nice lunch."

"You too," I take my leave.

I close the sliding door behind me and start walking to the cafeteria. Lunch was almost over, and my locker was near, so I decide to get the book we're reading in class for the upcoming period. I walk down the empty hallway and open my locker.

I rummage through my textbooks that were starting to collect dust until finally finding the right book. I look at the clock hung on the wall. There was only fifteen more minutes until students would come loading the halls.

I shiver at the thought of being in the claustrophobic crowd. I walk to the nearest stairs to go up. I take a quick look around me to make sure no one was near before skipping up the steps, landing on every other.

Just as I exit the staircase and was about to turn, I hear small voices in the distance behind me, "What do you mean you don't want to be friends anymore?"

I tilt my head. Unrequited friendship? Is that a thing- of course it is. I continue walking to my class. Now's not my time to be a nosy bi-

"I said what I said, Eunha,"

Another girl sighs. I slowly stop my tracks and turn back. "That doesn't explain why though," A dude aggresses. "I'm sure whatever reason you're mad for, we can fix, Sana. Right?" The girl from the start tries to lighten the mood. Sana? Did I hear that right?

It was like a spider crawled down my spine.

My current relationship with Sana is.. well, not the best right now. Same with a few other people. And in no way at all do I blame them for the result.

I stand next to the lockers and listen to their dispute.

"I'm not mad at anyone. It's just.." Sana trails off, holding her arm. "Just?" Eunha sounded eager to know. "I...-" Sana stops herself and shakes her head. "Look, Eunha, It's none of your business," Sana started coming my way.

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