Chapter 23: Big Boys

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A/N: And now I must retcon because my pea brain forgot that I headcanon Bakugou deaf!!!!!! Goddammit


Bakugou stared up at Midoriya. He knew what Midoriya said but he wasn't quite sure how. It's not like he necessarily heard what he was saying, it was kind of like Bakugou heard it in his own brain along with Midoriya's lip movements. Of course, none of this technical stuff was going through his brain considering he still had the mind of a three year old. He was just confused how he knew what Midoriya said.

"Zuku, I--" He began, pausing when he didn't hear his own voice out loud. He felt vibrations in his throat and heard a sort of muffled sound but it wasn't normal. Now that he thinks of it, it's really quiet in here, unlike before when he could hear people in the hallways or footsteps upstairs or beeping of machines. 

His smile started to disappear. What's going on? 

Midoriya noticed Bakugou starting to get upset and grabbed his hearing aids. Must be confusing and troubling to suddenly realize you can't hear. Growing up, it was gradual. He knelt down in front of Bakugou and put the hearing aids on, making sure they were sitting properly before turning them on. 

"There ya go, Kacchan." He said, smiling. Bakugou furrowed his brows in confusion, reaching up and touching the little devices around his ears. 

"What're these?" He wondered.

"They're special hero items made just for you." Midoriya explained, not wanting to explain everything right now and just wanting to make Bakugou feel better. 

"Just for me?" He asked, face lighting up again. Midroiya nodded, about to encourage more but getting distracted by his sleeve getting tugged. 

"Cold." Todoroki whined, a pout of his face. His whole body felt too big and he's naked with only a towel over him and he wants his blanket back. Also, the skin on the left side of his face feels funny and his left eye doesn't open as wide as the right one. Whatever's going on, he doesn't like it and he's almost at his tolerance limit. 

Midoriya laughed some and grabbed the change of clothes, "Let's get you dressed then." He said, helping Todoroki up and making sure to secure the towel. 

Upon standing at his full height, Todoroki blinked and looked around. He doesn't think he quite likes being this high up. He glanced down at Midoriya. This felt very strange. 

"Tall." He commented, getting another chuckle from Midoriya. 

"Yep, you're very tall and strong, here's the clothes, call if you need help." Midoriya told him, handing him the clothes and closing the door to the bathroom. He hopes he doesn't have to help or anything. It'd be kind of strange considering Todoroki's back in his full teenage body. Muscles and everything. Midoriya blushed at the thought and attempted to push it away. Which only made him think about it more.

"I'm tall too!" Bakugou declared, hopping up. Luckily Kirishima's lightning fast reflexes kicked in and he managed to catch the towel and wrap it around Bakugou's waist before anything could be revealed. He too started blushing, glancing over at Midoriya and sharing a knowing look. This is gonna be strange times until these two are back to their normal minds. If they get back to their normal minds, that is. 

"Look at my muscles!" Bakugou went on, flexing his arms and looking at Kirishima for approval. Kirishima gave two thumbs up. 

"So manly, dude!" Kiri encouraged, returning Bakugou's giant grin with a grin of his own.

"I bet I'm the strongest!" Bakugou continued, making a move to clap his hands together in a sort of victory pose. Even though Kiri and Aizawa knew what would come of it, neither was fast enough to stop Bakugou's hands from firmly making contact and--

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