Chapter 17: An Unwelcome Visitor

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A/N: Thanks for 5k+ views!!!!!!! 

Now for the angst!!!!!


About an hour and a half passed. Aizawa finished sanitizing the pacifiers and Bakugou happily took the one with sick flames. He mostly chewed on the rubber but at least he doesn't have his disgusting fingers in his mouth. Aizawa settled on the front porch, hoping to keep Endeavor from bringing his angry energy into the dorm. Though, considering their very different sizes in mass, Aizawa figures he'll merely be postponing the inevitable shitshow for a bit. 

Eri had finished her coloring page and Bakugou graciously allowed her another. After having to be told to by Midoriya, that is. Though, he'd never admit to doing anything because Deku told him. He just claims it was his own pure charity and that Midoriya only helped bring that out. 

Todoroki stayed enthralled into the movie until the very end, though he nearly had a meltdown from panic when the climax came and Mother Gothel was being super extra mean and nasty. Midoriya had to pull him into his lap and hug him tight in reassurance. He smiled, though, at the happy ending and waited eagerly for the next movie. Apparently it was some sort of Disney princess movie marathon because Cinderella came next. 

Aizawa spotted an approaching light and sighed. The guy really did just come from work since he was still fully clad in his hero suit. Flames and all.

Hey, maybe this will be nice and diplomatic.

Yeah, what's he kidding.

Of course it won't.

Endeavor was finally number 1 hero for a reason.

That son of a bitch was determined as all hell.

Aizawa stood and strolled down the steps.

"Let's keep this discussion out here, please, no need to--" Aizawa began, voice flat and tired.

"Where's my son?" Endeavor spat, glaring at the shorter man. 

"Listen, we've been taking good care of him here," Aizawa insisted, honestly feeling a bit of dread for the poor little kid innocently relaxing inside.

Endeavor scoffed, "Good care." He growled as he began up the stairs, "Then how did all of this happen, Eraserhead? Under your 'good care'?" He asked sarcastically.

Aizawa actually felt a wave of anger burst inside his chest. He took a breath and shoved that emotion down. Not right now. He was about to say something else when Endeavor burst through the dorm doors. Upon doing so, Eri quickly scuttled away to the nearest hiding spot, which happened to be in a closet. Bakugou just shoved some crayons in his ears to ignore whatever anger-filled situation was about to unfold. He's a pro at this and just wants to finish this coloring page, dammit. 

"SHOTO." He yelled, scanning the room for his son. 

Todoroki felt a chill go up his spine. 

He was in trouble.

What did he do, though?

Does it matter?

He wanted to cry.

Wanted to scream.

But he can't. 

Because doing that makes him bad.

He doesn't wanna be bad.

He's a good boy, right?


Aizawa hurried in, ready to make a move and stop if things got out of hand. 

"Shoto, come here." Endeavor said sternly, forcing himself to show some restraint as to not to damn himself in front of others.

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