Chapter 6: *sigh* It's only Tuesday

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Kirishima and Midoriya sat at one of the tables down in the common area with a laptop, waiting for Bakugou and Todoroki to make their way down. They'd been waiting for a decent amount of time. But it wasn't enough to get concerned yet

Then fifteen more minutes passed.

They heard little footsteps from the staircase and watched as a little spiky blonde head came into view. 

Well there's one.

"Bakubro, it's okay if you need help with the stairs. We've been waiting forever." Kirishima pointed out with a laugh. 

Bakugou glared at him "I ca' manage." He grumbled, making it all he way down and stomping over. He was wearing some dark grey sweatpants and a little red tank top as pj's. Kirishima must've picked it out earlier since they resemble his normal big-self's pajamas. 

Midoriya tapped his foot some impatiently, "I'm gonna go check on Todoroki." He said, standing and heading to the stairs. 

"We'll work on our parts." Kirishima called, beginning to type away at the presentation they had up. Since they didn't get to finish their patrol fully due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to make a slide presentation on patrol safety and all the do's and don't's. Since, obviously, someone in their group broke one of the rules. 

Midoriya turned on the landing between the fourth and fifth floors to see Todoroki just sitting at the top of the final staircase. He had his phone out and seemed to be tapping away at some game.

"Uh, Todoroki, what are you doing?" Midoriya asked as he made his way up.

Todoroki looked around for a moment before shrugging, "Sitting." He answered honestly. Was that a trick question? Isn't it kind of obvious what Todoroki is doing right now? 

"Yeah, but why?" Midoriya continued, taking a seat next to him. Guess he should've been clearer with the first question. 

Todoroki shrugged again, looking down the stairs, "Kinda steep. Kinda high. An' I'm kinda tired." He answered. Midoriya couldn't help but smile.

"Have you been sitting up here all this time?" He giggled.

Todoroki was a little confused. What was so funny? "Yeah." He replied, turning his attention back to his phone.

"You know you could've texted me so I could carry you down." Midoriya pointed out.

"Oh..." Todoroki mumbled, "Didn't wanna boder you." He explained. To be honest, the idea of texting someone for help him in something so trivial as getting down the stairs never occurred to him. He's not used to asking for help anyways, much less on something as dumb as this. So he kinda made up that last part. While still true if he actually thought about asking for help, that wasn't the reason he'd been just sitting here for the past half an hour. 

Plus, he was really getting into this game. It was called Angry Birds or something and it was very addicting. 

Midoriya just smiled and stood, picking Todoroki up and adjusting him on his hip before heading back down to the common area. 

Bakugou was leaning on the table with his head in his hands as he watched Kirishima type, stopping him and correcting him at any spelling or grammar errors. It was kind of a funny sight to see. A 16 year old getting corrected by a physically three year old.

Midoriya sat down and set Todoroki down in the seat next to him.

"Took ya long enouf." Bakugou stated.

And so they went the rest of the evening working on their project. Midoriya had to basically put the laptop in Todoroki's lap just so he would participate. And even then, after barely doing one slide, Todoroki handed it back insisting that he literally could not stay focused. Bakugou called bull on that but Midoriya said it was fine considering the situation. 

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