Chapter 19: Babysitter Aizawa

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A/N: Hey guys! Been a while, whoops. Sorry, I get hella bad anxiety at the start of the fall semesters and it takes everything in my power to just kinda exist lol

As I settle into classes and my new apartment n stuff, I'll be able to finish up this fic and start on the next one, which I'm beginning to work on the overall plot for so stay tuned ;)

Anyways, WOW thanks so much for 11k+ reads/views or whatever, it means a lot!



Kirishima's alarm sounded off and he shifted in bed with a groan. Internship days meant waking up extra early. And meant having to get into his hero costume. He let out a little sigh and reached over to turn off the alarm.

When a little body moved some under the covers, Kiri jumped a bit before remembering Bakubro spent the night in here. He smiled and pulled down the covers so he could see the little kid's face. He was clutching his little stuffed dog tightly to his chest, the paci from the night before fallen onto the ground.

So peaceful.

Picture time.

He grabbed his phone and snapped a quick pic before Bakugou began stirring. 

"Mornin, Kat." Kiri greeted softly, pushing himself up so he was sitting. 

Bakugou furrowed his brows and pulled the covers back over his head. 

"We gotta get up bud, Aizawa sensei is gonna be here soon." Kirishima explained, reaching under the covers and pulling Bakugou into his lap. The kid just curled up and buried his face in Kiri's chest. Which made Kiri's heart explode from cuteness. 

"Twi-erred." Bakugou slurred pitifully. Kiri smiled even more. Goddammit he's actually gonna miss little Baku. Big Baku is great and all but lil him is just so precious and sweet. Not that big Baku doesn't have his cute moments. 

"You can go back to sleep once you're at sensei's." Kirishima told him, setting him back down on the edge of the bed so he could begin to pack a little backpack of stuff. He figured the kid would want a few action figures, his coloring book and crayons, an extra pair of clothes, his extra pacifier. Bakugou just sat with his legs dangling over the bed as he tiredly rubbed his eyes with one hand and kept a firm grasp on Hero with his other, "You wanna stay in that onesie?" Kiri decided to ask. Bakugou nodded. Kiri smiled and nodded. Makes sense. That thing looks nice and comfy. 

Kirishima set Bakubro's packed bag next to the bed and grabbed his hero suit, slipping into the bathroom to change. When he came back out, Bakugou was laying down again and back to sleep. 

"Come on, buddy bro, let's get you some breakfast." Kiri said, scooping the kid up and slinging the little backpack over his shoulder. Bakugou woke back up and blinked a few times, taking in Kiri's hero suit. His eyes widened and an expression of awe washed over his face. 

"You 'ook 'ike a weal hero!" Bakugou breathed, smiling ear to ear. 

"Thanks, dude." Kirishima said happily. Well that just warmed Kirishima's heart up. How damn precious. As they walked down the stairs, Midoriya with a bundled up Todoroki in his arms joined them. Bakugou gasped when he saw Midoriya's hero costume.

"Zuku!" He declared, pointing, "Yer a hero too!" He complimented. Midoriya beamed, literally about to cry. It just warmed his heart to be told that, especially from Kacchan.

"Thanks, Kacchan!" Midoriya giggled. Todoroki stirred some from within his blanket burrito, still not fully awake. The four boys got into the kitchen, where Bakugou sat on the counter eating a poptart while Midoriya just packed a ziploc bag of cheerios and a little juice box for Todoroki to eat later. He doesn't wanna force the lil guy to do anything he really doesn't want to right now. 

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