Chapter 11: Dadzawa time!!!

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A/N: Damn guys we already hittin' mid 200's and by the time I end up publishing this chapter we probably be hittin 300's

Thanks so much!!!!


Aizawa waved Iida over so he could announce to the class not to injure themselves too bad during this training. Aizawa would've yelled out himself but he didn't want to disturb the sleeping children near him. Though, to be honest, he wasn't quite sure if Todoroki was actually sleeping. 

Iida walked to the middle of the room before making the announcement and the class all nodded. 

Aizawa focused on each 1v1 pair, making sure to take notes on where they could improve. Which was way less than if he wrote down everything they were doing wrong. These kids are strong and have been through a lot but they're still amateurs. 

Would've been nice to have the two students without their provisional licences get some practice in but guess that'll have to be sometime later.

He glanced down at Bakugou. He needs to call the hospital again to see if there's any news about that villain. The last thing either of these kids need is to relive over a decade of their lives. 

Todoroki pushed himself upright so he was sitting.

Guess he wasn't sleeping after all. 

He turned to look at Aizawa for a moment before looking back at the current battle. He had an expression of concern on his face. 

"Don't worry kiddo, they're okay." Aizawa assured him.

Todoroki just furrowed his brows some and continued to stare ahead. Training means hurting yourself. It means pushing your body beyond its limits until you can't breathe or even move. He's only three but he's already learned that. He's had to watch his eldest brother get wrapped up like a mummy from training, crying with a rag in his mouth to muffle his screams of pain. Todrooki's even had to start participating in his father's training. 

It's hard. 

It hurts.

He's bad at it.

He should be better.

Todoroki pulled his blanket tighter around him.

Aizawa noticed his increased tension, "Todoroki, you wanna come sit over here with me and Bakugou?" He offered, patting the mat on the other side of him. 

Todoroki didn't turn to look. 

Aizawa repeated his name a few more times before sighing, "Shoto, come sit with me please." He reworded, hoping to get his attention now. 

Thankfully, it worked, and Todoroki shuffled over, nearly tripping over the blanket several times. He plopped down next to Aizawa, though not leaning on him. 

Aizawa considered putting his other arm around him to comfort him from whatever's going on in that little head but he needed his free hand. Besides, Todoroki didn't seem to want any back rubs or anything like Bakugou did.

Like, seriously, any time Aizawa would stop rubbing circles in Bakugou's back, the kid would furrow his brows and make a little unhappy noise until Aizawa resumed.

Why Aizawa was giving into the whims of a toddler? 

He couldn't tell you.

Honestly, he finds it a disgrace on his character that he's acting like some sort of parental figure.

Like a father.

Or a dad perhaps. 

Gonna have to start going by Dadzawa soon if he keeps this softy shit up. 

He was dragged out of his thoughts by his hair getting gently tugged. He blinked a few times and looked down at the two-toned-haired kid. 

"It's not nice to pull hair, Shoto." Aizawa stated, trying to remove his hair from the child's grasp. He was losing this battle.

"Long." Todoroki mumbled, tilting his head, "Why?" 

Aizawa sighed, "Cause I like it, kid." He stated. To be completely honest, Aizawa doesn't know why he grew out his hair. Was it because he was too lazy to get a haircut? Was it because it made him look more attractive? Was it because his boyfriend seemed to take a liking to his longer hair? The world may never know. And Aizawa isn't a fan of change so he's content with where it's at. 

Todoroki blinked some, "Feel.....icky....." He pointed out, finally removing his hand with a grimace on his face.

"Thanks." Aizawa stated sarcastically. He made a mental note to take a very thorough shower tonight. 

Bakugou began to stir, furrowing his brows and switching thumbs. Aizawa scrunched up his nose some. That guy's nitroglycerin sweat can't be healthy for him to be ingesting. Like, yeah Bakugou's quirk hasn't come in yet but it's still not very sanitary to be putting that thumb in his mouth. If there's no news about that villain, Aizawa might have to invest in a pacifier for the kid. 

Oh god, what has he become?

Yamada would be so proud.

But all Aizawa is is disgusted. 

How dare he care so much about his students that he's willing to buy a pacifier for one of them? 


Bakugou's eyes fluttered open and he squinted at the bright lights overhead. 

"Have a nice nap?" Aizawa asked, almost as a tease. Kid talked some big talk about not needing a nap. 

Bakugou furrowed his brows, "Di'n't nap." He asserted, talking through his thumb. 

"Oh, so you were just resting your eyes for an hour?" Aizawa asked, actually cracking a smile. 

"Uh huh." The blonde said with a nod.

"I din't nap." Todoroki pointed out.

Aizawa looked over at the other kid, "No you didn't Shoto, guess you're just more of a big kid than Bakugou." He said, now just kind of wanting to have some fun teasing of Bakugou. 

Todoroki's eyes sparkled at the praise. Honestly, that was the most joy Aizawa had ever seen on this guy's face. And he wasn't even smiling all that much. Maybe Aizawa should praise his student a bit more.

Bakugou pouted, pulling his thumb out of his mouth and sitting up, "No!!" He yelled, "I'm super big!!!" He defended, standing up and putting his hands on his hips. 

"I dunno, you look pretty small." Aizawa pointed out. 

Aizawa was so preoccupied with interacting with these two that he hadn't noticed the sparring had ceased with everyone instead watching their teacher tease some toddlers. Several students had their phones out recording it. Some did it only for blackmail against Bakugou. 

Bakugou stomped, standing up as tall as he could and puffing out his chest, "I-I ca' jump weally high an'-an' I ca' coun' ta 'ike 10 an-" He began rambling, wanting to boast about hos mature he was. 

"Dat's no' a mumber." Todoroki tried pointing out, narrowing his eyes. The adult here has already said that Todoroki is the biggest kid so obviously it's now a fact! And he's not gonna let someone try to take that away from him. 

Bakugou went to charge at him angrily but Aizawa just put his arm up, catching Bakugou's lil head in his hand so the kid couldn't move forward. 

"Hey!" Bakugou yelled, pushing and trying to get free but obviously failing. 

Aizawa was about to say something to get Bakugou to stop when he noticed the entire class's eyes on him. He glared at them. 

"The hell you all looking at? Get back to sparring!" He ordered. 

The class giggled and got back to what they were doing. 

Aizawa sighed. 

Well there goes his reputation. 

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