Chapter 16: The Calm Before the Storm

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A/N: I'd meant for this chapter to be the one where Endeavor visits but guess who got off track and on tangents talking about the kiddos. ME lol

Anyways, next chapter will definitely have the Angst™ but until then enjoy the fluff


Aizawa held the phone a good foot away from his ear to save his eardrums from bursting. Endeavor was just yelling like there was no tomorrow and it didn't seem he was going to stop any time soon. 

A few minutes into the call, Aizawa perked up at a notification. Oh, Mitsuki Bakugou was calling. Endeavor probably won't notice being put on hold for a moment. 

Aizawa switched the call, "Hello." He greeted, putting the phone between his ear and shoulder as he started unloading stuff onto the conveyor belt. 

"Is this Aizawa?" Mitsuki asked.


"Thanks for letting us know about Katsuki. I trust he's in good hands there in the dorms. Masaru and I are pretty swamped with work so we'll leave him in your care. Though, if he starts acting like a little shit, give him a good smack for me, would ya?" She said, laughing loudly at the end. Aizawa smiled some. 

"No problem, I'll keep you updated on when the quirk is reversed." He told her.


And with that, Aizawa hung up and took Endeavor off hold. 

Somehow, the man was still yelling like a maniac. 

The last thing Aizawa heard was something about Endeavor stopping by after he gets out of work. Then the guy finally hung up. Aizawa sighed and slipped the phone back in his pocket. Jeez. Didn't even get a word in. 

He paid for everything and pushed the cart outside to the van. Todoroki nearly leapt out the window when he saw Aizawa coming, obviously stoked about his new blanket. Aizawa went ahead and got it out of the bag, tossing it from the open trunk. Midoriya caught it and went to work getting it out of the packaging. 

He could barely get it out fast enough because Todoroki was humming and flapping his hands excitedly. Midoriya finally freed the blanket and made quick work wrapping Todoroki in it. 

Todoroki just giggled and snuggled into it, his laughing getting louder 'cause he was just so damn happy. 

Bakugou pouted, wanting to have something cool and new too. He poked his head over his seat just as Aizawa offered the new All Might figure. Luckily, Kirishima was there to release the poor thing from it's packaging. His sharp teeth worked wonders on those annoying zipties binding the magnificent hero. Aizawa also passed up the cute little green bunny Eri had spotted in there. She deserved a little something too for coming out and helping. She beamed and hugged the bunny close. 

Aizawa finished packing the car with the stuff and walked the cart to the cart corral. Even if he wasn't a hero, putting the cart where it belongs is the right thing to do and something any decent human being would do.  

He got into the driver's seat and they headed out back to campus. 

"I'm gonna be waiting around the dorm building for a bit since Endeavor decided he's going to visit after he gets off work." Aizawa explained, glancing at the kids through the rearview mirror. Midoriya pulled Todoroki closer, knowing the poor kid will be having a rough night. He was oblivious at the moment but that'll soon change. 

"That means you get to hang out with all of class 1A, Eri!" Midoriya said, trying to make some sort of positive out of it. She looked up and gasped, a big grin on her face. Midoriya smiled too. It felt good seeing her so happy and knowing that he saved her. Now she gets to grow up surrounded by people that care about her and it's comforting to know she's safe. 

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