Chapter 22: Reverse Uno....Oh no

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As Recovery Girl finished with her healing, Aizawa dozed off in the hallway. Don't worry, he had a chair to sit in. He wasn't gonna just lay on the floor or find some empty room to buckle down in. Or a free bed in the hallway waiting for its next patient. He's learned to sleep in many different positions in many different places and this plastic chair wasn't even one of the worst. Or even near the bottom. Yeah, he probably fell asleep so easily because of babysitting two of his class's many problem children, but I digress.

"I swear, this is far above my pay grade, Eraser." Recovery Girl commented, shuffling out of the room and waking Aizawa up. He took a deep breath through his nose and stretched. 

"Me too," He told her, grabbing several thousand yen from his wallet and handing it to her. She deserved it. 

She eyed it for a moment before swiping it from his hand. Gonna go have herself a good dinner to recoup after having to use her quirk so much. 

As she left, Aizawa stood and stepped into the room. Both boys were still covered in slight cuts and bruises but all their broken bones were healed. 

"Get dressed and meet me out front." He told them, getting nods and thumbs up. 

He headed down and very little time passed before both boys came barreling out, still putting on their shirts or pulling on boots. They all got in Aizawa's car and headed back to his apartment.

"We'll pick up Bakugou and Todoroki, head back to the dorms so you guys can change and we can grab the other two some normal sets of clothes, then head back to the hospital and get this hell of a week over with." He explained. Maybe they should all grab masks too since Jo mentioned her quirk involving gas to be inhaled. Last thing Aizawa needed was to be physically older with even more aches and pains.

They got back to the apartment complex and Aizawa headed up, leaving the other two to chill in the car since this should be pretty quick.

He wasn't expecting to walk in on a full-on tea party.

Eri stood behind All Might on the couch clipping various bright bows into his hair, Bakugou wore a giant yellow construction paper crown as he colored at the table, and Todoroki sat looking confused, a tiny paper crown on his head and a tiny plastic teacup in his hand. 

"You all seem to be having fun." Aizawa commented as he strolled in. All Might turned some and chuckled.

"Yes, I am apparently royalty now." He said, tapping the little plastic tiara perched upon his messy hair. 

"I'm da king!" Bakugou declared, standing and revealing his royal "cape," which was just a blanket tied around his neck. 

"Imma p'incess." Todoroki said softly, raising his little teacup some. 

"No, yer a p'ince!" Bakugou corrected. 

"Oh." Todoroki mumbled, furrowing his brows. He thought all royalty were called 'princess' but apparently this goes much deeper than he'd originally known. 

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, a small smile on the corners of his lips, "I hate to ruin the fun, but we have somewhere we have to be, Todoroki and Bakugou." He said, earning a raised eyebrow from All Might. 

"That villa-er-person woke up." He explained, quickly correcting himself so the kids here wouldn't get alarmed. All Might nodded, "I'll probably be back soon, can you keep watching Eri?" He asked.

"Of course." All Might agreed.

"Okay, boys, let's get all your stuff together." He told his students. Neither really brought much so this shouldn't take long.

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