Chapter 8: Just Get This School Day Started Already

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Bakugou and Kiri got to the classroom and Kirishima went over to Aizawa, who was getting his quick before school nap. 

"Uh, Mr. Aizawa, Todoroki and Bakugou can't read anymore." He informed him, keeping his voice low as to not upset Bakugou more. 

"And?" Aizawa mumbled, opening one of his eyes some and glancing up at his student.

"Just...sayin'." Kirishima said, shrugging. 

"As long as they're here, I don't care." Aizawa stated, sitting up. Attendance is key. And technically, Bakugou and Todoroki are attending class. Whether or not they actually learn anything, that's not his problem," Not like it's any different than some of your classmates. Sometimes I doubt if Kaminari can even read." He pointed out, glancing at the blonde who currently had three phone chargers in his mouth connected to Sero's, Mina's, and his own phone. At this rate he'll be practically braindead by second period. So it's basically just like having another three year old. 

Kiri just nodded and headed over to Bakugou's desk. Like, yeah, Bakugou could still listen to the lecture but there were occasionally times in class where they had to read an article or fill out a worksheet and if Bakugou can't read, Kirishima doubts he could even sign his name at the top of a paper. 

"Whatchu lookin' at?" Bakugou grumbled, arms crossed as he sat with his little legs barely able to rest inside the desk. 

"What're you gonna do all class?" Kiri wondered.

Bakugou shrugged, "Listen 'n hope fer da bes'." He answered, narrowing his eyes in disapproval at his own pronunciation. 

Kirishima thought some, "Wanna, like, color or something?" He decided to ask. It'd give Bakugou something to do with his hands and maybe even help him listen. Plus, it'll keep him from getting bored and completely zoning out. 

Bakugou blushed and frowned, "No." He answered defensively. 

To be completely honest.


He'd love to color.

He feels so immensely bored already.

Usually, he's perfectly content sitting by himself letting his mind wander and just listening to nearby conversations. Or, hell, even just the nice silence of turning off his hearing aids. But he couldn't do that right now, could he? 

So now he was getting fidgety and antsy, dreading the long school day that'll be filled with sitting still for hours. 

He furrowed his brows before sighing and biting the bullet. 

"Yeah, sure, wha'e'er." He grumbled, blushing and putting his legs down. 

Kirishima smiled a little. He still can't get over how cute Bakugou was. It's like looking through a baby album and gushing about how absolutely adorable he was as a kid but it's live! And Kiri gets to hear his cute lil voice and hold his small soft hands. 

He snapped himself out of his thoughts and turned to Momo, "Hey, do you know how to make crayons or coloring sheets?" He wondered. Might as well as her first since she can make exactly what he needs. He knows Mina has a few coloring pages and supplies but hers are more intricate and her supplies are colored pencils and such. No offense to Bakugou's abilities, but Kiri guesses that his motor skills aren't as fine and would need a medium he doesn't have to sharpen. 

Momo perked up from her book, "Is there any particular reason?" She wondered.

Kiri pointed down at Bakugou. Momo made the "oh" face before smiling and nodding, "Yes, I think I can do that." She said softly before taking off her school blazer so her arms were exposed. Within moments, a small box of 24 crayons emerged from her arm. Kirishima grabbed onto it before it could fall to the floor and she then focused on creating a few coloring pages. The designs were relatively simple, mostly being random pages she could remember from her own childhood like a page of flowers, a campfire, a cute little cartoon cat, and then or two of different All Might poses. 

"Thank you!" Kirishima told her. She just smiled.

"I can make more if he needs any. I'm happy to help." She said before picking her book back up.

Kiri carried over the pages and crayons and sat it all on Bakugou's desk. 

"There ya go, enjoy." He said happily, bending down to kiss the top of Bakugou's head before going over to his own desk. 

Bakugou blushed again but smiled.

He waited a moment before looking at everything. He still had to be cool and big and pretend he's not absolutely stoked to have an activity to occupy himself. 

Obviously, he picked the All Might page and started going at the page. And it was obvious he truly was trying his hardest to stay in the lines and control how much pressure he was using but the emerging three year old part of his brain was kind of taking over due to excitement. 

Kiri couldn't help from giggle from his desk. Oh god, that's so cute. He discretely pulled out his phone and snapped a pic. Bakugou was kneeling in his seat so he could actually see over the desk and his tongue was sticking out from concentration. 

It's just downright adorable. 

The bell finally rang. 

As it did, the door flew open and Midoriya stood out of breath with Todoroki in his arms.

"I'm here!" He announced, huffing. It was clear he had just made a mad dash up the stairs. 

"Good job," Aizawa stated sarcastically, "Now sit down." 

Midoriya just nodded and shuffled to his desk. He set Todoroki down and let him get to his own desk on his own. Which he did and promptly spilled the contents of his cup on the top so he could see everything he'd collected. 

He smiled at his collection before beginning to categorize it all. He could probably buy some candy with all the coins he found. That'd be fun. 

Aizawa blinked, eyes going back and forth between Todoroki and Bakugou.

Well, he has to say this is the first time he's had students doing that in class. And it's obvious they won't be paying a lick of attention in class today.

His eyes went to Kaminari, whose eyes had glazed over from using his quirk too much to charge phones. 

Not like Aizawa isn't used to feeling like he's teaching a brick wall. 


He sighed and began his morning spiel.

Might as well get class started already.

The faster it starts, the faster it ends.

And how blissful that end always is. 


A/N: Kinda short, sorry!

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