Chapter 9: Lunchtime

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A/N: This is the third time I've named a chapter "Lunchtime" only for my writing to go in a completely different direction and I never make it there so finally now it is time for lunch lol

Hope you're liking this! I love feedback!!!


The morning classes went by without issue.

Which means they were fucking boring. 

Todoroki and Bakugou didn't seem to mind though, both thoroughly occupied with their different activities. 

Bakugou was working very hard on his coloring. Way harder than his normal teen self would allow him to. But he seemed to be having a great time. 

Todoroki, on the other hand, had organized his found things was just having a grand ol' time just lookin' at them. Like, wow, very easily entertained. 

By the time the lunch bell rang, it was clear both boys were being overtaken by their toddler selves. 

Kirishima would never say this out loud but he's pretty certain he spotted Bakugou with his thumb nearly in his mouth only for his expression to change for a moment and for him to blush and push it away. It was actually pretty cute. 

He got up and walked over to his bro-friend's desk, "You coming to lunch?" He asked, noting how Bakugou seemed pretty oblivious to the fact that the lunch bell rang. 

Bakugou looked up at Kiri with big eyes, blinking a few times, "Oh," He said, pausing as if he realized what he was doing. He blushed, about to shove the papers into his desk out of embarrassment but stopping when Kiri spoke.

"Those look really cool. Very manly." Kirishima told him, a smile on his face. Bakugou couldn't help but smile proudly.

" 'ike da All Might one bes'." He said happily, pointing to that page. Kiri's heart just melted. God that was the fucking cutest goddamn thing. Who knew Bakugou could look and act so pure. 

"So...lunch?" Kiri wondered after a moment of silence. Bakugou nodded, looking up at the artificial redhead for a moment and almost lifting up his arms to do lil grabby hands but quickly forcing them in his pockets as he hopped off his chair. 

Meanwhile, Midoriya told Uraraka, Iida, and Tsu that he'd catch up with them for lunch before heading to the back of the room to grab Todoroki. 

Todoroki was sitting and frowning with his hands over his ears. 

"You didn't like that loud bell, did you?" Midoriya asked, bending down and gently pulling Todoroki's hands off. When all he got as a response was the half-n-half boy just pouting and glaring at the speaker in the room, Midoriya just sighed, "Let's get to lunch." He said as he picked the little kid up. 

Todoroki whined a bit about not being able to bring all his cool new things.

"Words, please." Midoriya told him softly.

"S'uff!" Todoroki said simply, eyes glued on his desk. 

"Don't worry, it'll all be there when we get back, Aizawa sensei will keep it safe." Midoriya assured him, nodding towards their teacher at the front of the room. 

"Eh?" Aizawa mumbled upon hearing his name. He just shook his head and continued watching his cute cat compilation video. 

Todoroki just let out a little breath and set his chin on Midoriya's shoulder as they left the classroom and headed to the cafeteria. 

"Hey, Shoto, how old are you?" Midoriya decided to ask. 

Todoroki furrowed his brows in thought. He knows the answer. He can feel it in the core of his very being. And yet the number was nowhere to be found. He knew there were supposed to be two of them in his answer. But, his mind just couldn't recall any two digit numbers. Not that he could even tell you what a two digit number even is anymore. He lifted his head up, becoming a bit more frustrated that he couldn't answer this simple question. This simple question that he knows that he knows the answer to. So why isn't anything popping into his head??

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