Chapter 18: Cool Down

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A/N: Updates are gonna be less often in these upcoming weeks, might finish up this story in the next month and start a next one. 

Which, if anyone has any au or story ideas they wanna see, please let me know. I'd like to do something more plot heavy and serious next fic so we'll see ;)

Also, sorry this took so long, moved back to school and I'm actually living in a real apartment now so ooo fancy lol

Anyways, thanks for reading and keeping up, hope you enjoy!!!


Midoriya carried Todoroki over to the couch, continuing to rock him and rub his back and tell him everything's okay. Once Todoroki's sobbing had subsided into heart-jerking sniffles, Midoriya let out a little sigh. He should've intervened. He should have hid Todoroki behind him and spare him from this emotional trauma. Though, obviously that's not the only trauma the poor kid has had to go through. He's definitely gonna wanna have a heart-to-heart with him when he's big again. 

Kirishima cleared his throat, feeling incredibly awkward about walking in on the aftermath of a disaster. Bakugou perked up and looked over to the redhead. Immediately, he gasped and scrambled to his feet, excited to get into these new pajamas. 

He snatched the onesie from Kiri's arms and bounced excitedly, "Ey! Zuku!!! Pj time!!!!" He called, already beginning to try taking his shirt off. 

Midoriya craned his neck to look over the couch, "In a sec, Kacchan, I'm busy with Todoroki right now." He said softly. Bakugou pouted.

"Bu'yer my frien'." He complained, furrowing his lil brows. Midoriya's heart swelled with joy. Oh god he wishes he had his phone out to record Kacchan saying that. If only Bakugou didn't have to grow up to be so angry and spitefull and compretitive. And also didn't grow up bullying Midoriya, but that's a sad rant for another day. 

"Kacchan, Todoroki needs me right now." Midoriya tried telling him, not wanting to upset either of these kids further. 

"Bu' I need you." Bakugou continued, starting to get frustrated by having to argue. Kirishima noticed the rising tension and hopped over, scooping Bakugou and spinning him around once before settling him on is hip.

"Since I'm also your friend, how about you play with me for a bit until Midoriya can come?" He suggested, hoping to just get Bakugou's mind off of all this. 

Bakugou huffed and crossed his arms, "Yer not my frien'," He mumbled with a huff. Kirishima's heart dropped, "Yer mah boyfrien'." He clarified, "Is diff'rent." Zuku is his best friend and Kiri is his boyfriend. It's pretty obvious and it makes perfect sense. Midoriya turned, his eyes growing wide and he began to flush in second-hand embarrassment. Oh gosh.

Kirishima's face turned just as bright as his hair. He...he thought Bakugou didn't have his memories. And even then, they've never, like, made anything official. Bakubro has never used that word to describe what they are. Maybe tiny Baku still has the emotion in his heart he feels towards Kiri and called that being his boyfriend? Kiri's face burned harder. Oh god, that would mean big Baku feels the same way. And it took the guy turning three to finally say the word to him. But he's still has the mind and body of a toddler right now, so, awkward. Though, kids do go around calling anybody they like their boyfriend or girlfriend. It's probably just a harmless kid thing like that. Not like big Bakugou wants Kirishima to be his boyfriend or anything for real. Right? They're bros. Bros who cuddle and give goodnight kisses. Like bros. 

Kiri snapped out of his thoughts when a tiny hand slapped over his mouth, "Yer mum'lin' 'ike Zuku." Bakugou grumbled. 

Kiri smiled and giggled some, "S-sorry dude, uh, let's go get you into that onesie." He suggested, beginning to shuffle to his room. Well, at least Bakugou provided his own distraction from bothering Midoriya. 

Midoriya shook his head as if to metaphorically shake off the awkwardness of that situation. He took a breath and put his attention back on Todoroki, who had stopped crying and was currently just sniffling some as he rubbed his hands over his nice soft blanket. 

"Want some strawberry milk? I know it's your favorite." Midoriya suggested, pulling back so he could better see Todoroki's face. The toddler nodded some. Midoriya stood and carried him into the kitchen, setting him on the counter while he rummaged around in the fridge for the boxes of strawberry milk. He finally found one and stuck the straw in, handing it over to Todoroki. The kid's face lit up with happiness upon seeing the box and he took it with both hands, swinging his legs off the counter as he sipped away. Midoriya smiled. Todoroki is so damn cute. He slipped his phone out and snapped a picture. He has to remember this for forever. 

"Wanna keep watching movies?" He wondered as he picked him back up. Todoroki nodded so Midoriya brought him back over to the couch. He helped him re-cocoon into the blanket, "I'll be right back, okay?" He said, waiting for a nod before walking away.

"We're gonna head out, I'll be by to pick Todoroki and Bakugou up tomorrow morning before you and Kirishima leave." Aizawa said, Eri still in his arms. 

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about my internship." Midoriya mumbled, nodding. He can't say he's not worried about how Todoroki and Bakugou will cope getting babysat but he trusts Aizawa to watch them. 

He closed the door as Aizawa left and made sure to lock the door. They do not need to lose Todoroki again. Especially at night. 

He headed up to his room and got his own baggy All Might onesie on. As he was heading back down, Bakugou came barreling down the stairs in his, nearly slipping several times. 

"I AM HEW!" He yelled, skidding to a halt and putting his hands on his hips. Midoriya copied the pose with a laugh. 

"ALL MIGHT TO THE RESCUE!" Midoriya declared, using his years of practice imitating All Might. He scooped up Bakugou and perched him on his shoulders as the toddler squealed with laughter. 

They played for another hour or so and Kirishima joined in to be the villain. They had fun but eventually, it was clear that Bakugou was running out of steam. His movements were slower and his breath heavier. Todoroki had even fallen asleep on the couch, empty strawberry milk box fallen out of his hand and onto the ground. 

"I think it's time for bed." Kiri pointed out, picking Bakugou up as he tiredly rubbed his eyes. 

"Hewros don' s'eep." Bakugou protested pitifully. Kirishima smiled and just carried him upstairs. When he was about to lay the kid in his room, Bakugou wouldn't let go, "Wan' s'eep wif you." He mumbled. Kirishima just let out a little sigh and headed to his room. He doesn't really mind, he just knows that Bakugou gets restless in his sleep and will more than likely punch Kiri because he had a dream about fighting a villain. Though, of course, little bakugou doesn't exacly pack a big punch so it won't hurt. 

He laid Bakugou down and stepped into his bathroom to change into his pj's. He was pretty tired today too so it's Kiri's bedtime too. 

And so soundly they slept.

Midoriya gently picked Todoroki up into his arms and carried him up to his room. No way is he letting this tiny little guy sleep several floors away. Midoriya already had a sleeping bag laid out so Todoroki can have the bed. He set Todoroki down and patted his head some before going through his own bedtime routine. 

As hectic as this day turned, he's glad it ended on a more relaxed note. 

Though, of course, you never know what tomorrow might bring.

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