Chapter 97

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Hermione and Harry gasped. Hermione pulled Harry behind her angrily.

"If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too!" She said, breathing heavily and glaring at Sirius.

"No. Only one will die tonight." Sirius said.

"Then it'll be you!" Harry screamed, his fists clenched. He ran at Sirius before slamming the grown man to the ground. Harry wrapped his arms around Sirius' neck, beginning to choke him.

"Harry! Harry no, get off him!" You yelled, emerging from your hiding spot. Harry's grip loosened and Hermione looked up at you, shock filling both of their eyes. The shock was replaced with sadness, anger, and betrayal.

"Y-You were working with him? This whole time? How could you?!" Hermione gasped, tears filling her eyes.

"No, listen, it's not what it looks like-" You cried but Harry gave you a look so filled with emotion that you choked on your words.

He glared at you for a second before Sirius chuckled. Harry turned to return his attention back to Sirius.

He pulled his wand from his pocket and held it to Sirius's pale forehead.

Sirius began to chuckle again, leaving you, Ron, Hermione, and Harry confused.

"Are you going to kill me Harry?" Sirius asked, holding back laughs.

Harry looked on the verge of blowing Sirius's head off when the door to the room burst open and a familiar face appeared.

"Expelliarmus!" Lupin shouted, disarming Harry. Harry spun around, looking at Lupin in shock. Hermione and Ron breathed heavily, also clearly confused.

Lupin nodded his head down at Harry and Harry got off of Sirius.

Lupin stepped over to Sirius and looked down at him, his wand pointed at the man. You just hoped Lupin wouldn't do anything to hurt Sirius. He didn't understand.

"Well, well. Sirius. Looking rather ragged aren't we?" Lupin paused, looking down skeptically at Sirius. "Finally the flesh reflects the madness within."

Sirius smiled. "Well you would know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?"

Lupin raised his eyebrows slowly before a small smile appeared on his lips. The smile grew as Lupin took the wand off Sirius and offered his hand.

The Golden Trio gasped, looking almost as betrayed as they had when they discovered you, too, were working with Sirius Black.

Lupin helped Sirius up before pulling him into a hug.

"I found him!" Sirius whispered excitedly.

"I know." Lupin responded.

"Its him!"

"I understand." Lupin said soothingly.

"Let's kill him!" Sirius said, a cruel smile on his face.

"No!" Hermione yelled, tears filling her eyes again. "First Y/n, now you! I trusted you! And all this time... you've been his friend."

Hermione spun around to face Harry and Ron. "He's a werewolf!" She spat angrily. "That's why he's been missing classes."

Harry and Ron both looked at each other shocked. You frowned, wishing anyone would listen to you.

"How long have you known?" Lupin asked, slowly walking towards Hermione.

"Since Professor Snape set the essay." Hermione said, not being able to will herself to look into his eyes.

"Well, well, well, Hermione you really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met-"

"Enough talk, Remus! Come on, let's kill him!" Sirius said, looking at Lupin crazily. You wished Sirius would just clarify that he was talking about Peter.

"Wait!" Lupin said.

"I DID MY WAITING!" Sirius shouted, his eyes glaring crazily at Lupin. He had never looked so unsteady. "TWELVE YEARS OF IT! IN AZKABAN!"

Lupin stared at Sirius, clearly deep in thought. He then turned his attention back to Harry. He watched him for a second before turning to Sirius.

"Very well. Kill him." Lupin handed Sirius his wand. "But wait one more minute. Harry has the right to know why-"

"I know why!" Harry said, his voice quivering. "You betrayed my parents! You're the reason their dead!"

"No, Harry it wasn't him. Someone did betray your parents but it was somebody who until very recently I believed to be dead."

"Who was it then?!" Harry asked aggressively, anger poisoning every word.

"Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius said. He had a sick smile on his face, as if he was amused. "And he's in this room! Right now! Come out, come out Peter!" Sirius had began to look crazy. His movements were erratic and crazed. "Come out, come out and play!"

Suddenly, a new and very unwelcome voice echoed within the room.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape said. The wand flew from Sirius's hand. This was just getting worse and worse.

"Vengeance is sweet." Snape said cruelly, slowly advancing on Sirius who he held his wand to. "I hoped I'd be the one to catch you."

"Severus-" Lupin began.

Snape angled his wand towards Lupin. "I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle and now here's the proof." Snape said smugly.

"Brilliant, Snape. Once again you put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual have come to the wrong conclusion." Sirius said angrily. "Now if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to."

Sirius said, advancing on Snape. Snape held his wand to Sirius's throat. "Give me a reason... I beg you."

"Severus don't be a fool." Lupin said.

"He can't help it it's habit by now-"

"Sirius be quiet-"

"Be quiet yourself Remus!"

"Oh, listen to you two, quarreling like an old married couple." Snape sneered.

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set!" Sirius said cruelly.

Snape dug his wand into Sirius's neck.

"I could do it you know.."

"Stop!" You said, anxiety overtaking you. This is the first time you had spoke in a while. Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked at you as if they remembered you were here. Harry refused to look into your eyes.

Snape ignored you. "But why deny the dementors? They're so longing to see you..."

Fear replaced the hatred in Sirius' eyes.

"Do I detect a flicker of fear?" Snape asked. "The Dementors kiss... I can only imagine what that must be like to endure, except it would be almost unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best-"

"Severus, please." Lupin begged. You looked over to Harry to see him pulling Hermione's wand from her pocket slowly.

"After you." Snape said.

Harry now had Hermione's wand in his hand. He slowly advanced towards the three men, his wand pointed at Sirius.

Suddenly, Harry pointed his wand at Snape and shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Snape's now limp body was thrown backwards into an old dusty bed that collapsed under his weight.

"Harry! What did you just do?!" Ron asked, shocked.

"You attacked a teacher!" Hermione gasped.

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