Chapter 66

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Ron held the letter in his hand.

"Well, I guess I should go find the rest of us, then?" He says.

Hermione nods, giving him a light push over to the end of the table.

Ron walked down to where Fred, George, and Ginny were sitting. "Have you guys seen Percy?" He asked.

The twins shrugged. "Yeah." Ginny said. "He's with McGonagall." She points. Percy was talking to the professor at the head table.

"Well, uh, mum sent me a letter." Ron dropped it down in the middle of the table. Ginny picked it up.

"Read it out loud." Fred and George said at the same time.

"Ok. It says, 'I need you ALL to send me an INDIVIDUAL letter telling me you are all okay. SIRIUS BLACK? IN THE CASTLE? How DARE Dumbledore let this happen?! Are you all okay? Did anyone see him? Did he get in the common room? Is he gone? Did he get near my babies? I need to know as SOON as possible. Me and your father are worried out of our minds, he even skipped worked today. Write back to me VERY SOON! Love, Molly Weasley.'"

The twins burst out in laughter and Ron relaxed his shoulders. "I thought it was going to be a howler."

"Mum is always worried about us. I knew she'd write." Ginny laughed.

"Yeah." Ron agreed. "Well, someone update Percy-"

"Not it!" The twins said at the same time.

"Well, I'm not doing it, so-" Ron said.

"I don't want to!" Ginny said.

"Don't want to what?" Percy walked over from McGonagall.

"That's my cue to go!" Ron said and hurriedly walked back over to the three of you.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Just mum overreacting."

Dumbledore stood to begin a speech.

"The plan is that tonight you will return to your dormitories. We have no idea how Sirius Black passed the Dementors. Security measures around the castle will be heightened. Enjoy your breakfast."

Breakfast after that went quickly. It was Friday. Your first class was Herbology.

The bell rung and you bid goodbye to Harry, following Ron and Hermione down to the greenhouse.

Hermione, again, sat in the front of the room next to Parvati. You and Ron returned to your seats.

Ron looked at you for a second.

You turned to him. "Uh... yes?"

"Harry kissed Ginny, didn't he?" Ron asked.

You looked away. "I don't know-" You began.

"No, no, you do. Was he kissing her?"

You sighed. "Ron please don't make me say anything."

Ron looks at you. "Cmon, tell me. It's my best friend and my sister." He quiets. "And I know it hurt you too."

You looked at the floor. "Yeah. I mean, at first I was upset, but I realized that this was how he felt. When I kissed Draco. And I couldn't be mad at him, either, because I did that too. I don't know how I feel. He doesn't know how he feels." You quiet. "How do you feel?"

Ron looks at you. "If I'm being honest, I know it would happen. I mean, obviously I would be much more mad at him if he kissed Hermione instead of Ginn-" Ron freezes. "You never heard that. I didn't say that-" Ron stutters.

You laugh. "Ron, I've known you were in love with her since first year." Ron blushes and class begins.

"Hello, class! Today, we are going to be walking around the grounds looking for a rare flower that grows here called the Sympthan Liomal."

You and Ron looked at each other and grinned. The greenhouse was pretty boring, but whenever Professor Sprout let you onto the grounds, it was so fun. You and Ron would just mess around the whole time while Hermione tried to keep you both on track.

(sorry this chapter kind of sucks the next one will be better)

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