Chapter 42

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The rest of the week was uneventful, until you finally reached Saturday. Today should be lowkey and calm. Harry got let out of the Hospital Wing yesterday.

"Harry!" You screamed, wrapping your arms around him. He chuckled and patted your back. "You just saw me yesterday, y/n." He said. You let go so he could hug his best friends, who were grinning ear to ear.

"So, what did I miss?" Harry rubbed his hands together.

"Nothing really." Hermione said. "We have a test on Monday for Arithmancy." Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'll just say I was in the hospital wing." He said. Ron nodded.

"Oh, and hey! Tomorrow's Saturday, so we can hang out at the Quidditch Pitch!" Ron said. Harry laughed and nodded.

This was yesterday. Today, Hermione woke you up to tell you that breakfast was soon. You got ready and walked with Ginny and Hermione to breakfast.

You three had gotten there before the boys had. So you had some time to talk about girly things.

"Yeah. Apparently Professor Sprout has been really chatty with the History teacher." Ginny says.

"Oh my gosh, really? I thought she liked Dumbledore!" Hermione said.

"Yeah, did you guys hear when she complimented his ear muffs? He totally blushed." You say. The three of you laugh.

"I like Professor Sprout!" Neville chimes in. "She's my favorite teacher. She even lets me stay after class to talk to her about plants!" The three of you laugh.

Neville blushes and looks away. It makes you chuckle. Finally, Ron and Harry arrived, looking flustered.

"You boys okay?" You ask.

"Snape just gave us both detention for being late to breakfast- how is that even a thing?" Ron asked, outraged.

"He just hates me!" Harry said angrily.

"When's your detention?"

"Right after dinner." He says.

"That sucks." Hermione said.

"Hey, I have an idea! I could go down to the dungeons and tell Snape Hagrid needs you or something! He can't say no if I had a note."

Harry looks thoughtful before smiling. "Hey...that might actually work!" He said excitedly.

"Ok, then. Plans set. I'll meet you two down there later."

Breakfast ends and Hermione asks if you want to go to the library to finish some homework. You nod, bidding Ron and Harry goodbye and following her up to the library. Hermione chatted on about how pathetic of a subject Divination was. It made you laugh.

"She's a fool!" Hermione said about Trelawney.

You just laughed as the two of you walked into the library. It was quiet, and you didn't like it.

Hermione found you two a seat and sat down, opening various books and beginning to write.

You got our your Potions book, but couldn't focus. You tried to remember what Draco had told you about the Pepper-Up Potion. Hermione had gotten two homework assignments done before you had even started your essay.

"Are you feeling okay, y/n?" She asked, looking down at your blank paper.

"Yeah, I just am struggling to focus right now. I'm sure I'll be fine." You say, looking around the library. She looks at you hesitantly before nodding and returning to her paper.

"You know what, I think I'm going to visit Hagrid." You say, needing a distraction.

"I'll be back in probably half an hour. Don't move my stuff."

She bids you goodbye and you make your way down to Hagrid's hut.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now