Chapter 65

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You awoke the next morning to the sounds of owls chirping. It was 6:45. Dinner started at 7:30. You sat up, rubbing your eyes. Almost everyone was already asleep. Your throat felt scratchy.

Water. You thought. You slipped from your sleeping bag, attempting to not wake anyone around you. You tiptoed from the Great Hall and wandered down the hall, looking for a water fountain.

You rounded a corner and saw one. But it was not alone. Standing next to it was none other than.. Cedric!!

Cedric sighed loudly and look up, crossing his arms.

"Hey Cedric." You said, walking over. He jumped and looked at you.

"Oh! Hey." He said, faking a smile. You frowned.

"What's wrong?" You asked, sitting next to him. He looked down at you.

"Oh- it's nothing. I don't want to bother you with my problems." He responds.

"What? No! Tell me. I've complained to you too many times. It's your turn."

Cedric sighed, sinking down to sit next to you.

"It's Cho. I feel like she isn't all that attracted to me anymore. She's always staring at Harry. All the time. It's like I don't even exist. And I mean, I love being with her, but I'm really afraid she's losing feelings for me."

You listened to him talk, and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, Ced." You said, putting your head on his shoulder. "I mean, she could just think he's attractive and not be attracted to him."

Cedric smiles sadly. "Yeah, maybe. This whole thing with Sirius Black is crazy, isn't it?" Cedric asks.

"Yeah... it's weird, all of us sleeping in the same room. I feel like people can just watch me sleep." You laugh.

"Yeah, it is sort of strange. Especially with the professors in there too." He chuckles. "Also, I hate being so close to so many people. I can hear them breathing."

You both laugh and chattering begins in the Great Hall. "I guess some people have woken up." You said, standing.

You help Cedric to his feet. "It was nice seeing you, Ced. I'll see you around." You give him a quick hug before returning to the Great Hall.

You walk over to see Ron, Hermione, and Harry already awake, chatting. "Hey guys." You say, sitting with them.

"Hey." They all reply.

"How'd you all sleep?" Hermione asks.

"Eh." Ron said. "My back sort of hurts."

"I slept well." Harry said.

"Yeah, same. I woke up a little early, though." You said.

Ron looked around and spotted Ginny. "I hope nobody tells mum about this. She would go nuts if she found out Sirius Black was in the castle." Just as Ron said that, the mail flew in.

An old, frazzled barn owl swooped down and dropped a letter or Ron's head. He picked it up and read the name.

"Uh oh... it's mum." Ron said, looking at the three of you.

"Read it." Hermione urges, nudging his arm lightly.

Ron slowly opens the letter.

Dear Ronald, Ginny, Fred, George, and Percy,

First off, whoever Errol dropped this letter to, go get the rest of you.

Ron looks at the three of you.

"Oh, goodness, Ronald! Go get your siblings!" Hermione says, pushing him up. He stands. Just as Ron was about to call their names Dumbledore began to speak.

"Good morning, students. It is now time to rise. I will replace the sleeping bags with tables and breakfast will begin."

The few students that weren't awake sat up and rubbed their eyes.

The students all stood, Ron clutching his letter, and moved out of the way.

Dumbledore waved his wand and the sleeping bags all disappeared. Dumbledore waved his wand again and four long tables with plates appeared. The students all sat at their house tables and Ron pulled the letter out of his pocket.

(hey guys so i've been getting a lot of hate comments recently and i just wanted to ask that you don't leave those :( they make me feel bad about my story and i know i make spelling errors and i know my story isn't the best but i'm trying my hardest to write things that you guys will like. i know i'm american and i don't know everything about the uk or say some of the words people in the uk say. i will take constructive criticism or anyone's ideas, but please just don't read if you don't like it :( love u guys)

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