Chapter 6

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It has been two days since Draco had asked you to the ball. You hadn't told anyone yet. Well, anyone but Hermione and Ginny. You wanted it to be a surprise. Plus, it wasn't something to brag about. Draco wasn't well liked, and you were going together as friends... you thought.

It was two weeks from Christmas. The ball was in one day. You were sitting in the common room, finishing your Charms homework, when Harry came downstairs. He's clearly just woken up from a nap, and his hair was all messy. He was wearing a tshirt and sweatpants.

"Hey, y/n." Harry said, sitting down. His voice was slightly raspy from just waking up, and you had to admit- it was hot.

"Hey, Harry. You look- comfy." You joke. Harry chuckles and looks down.

"I just woke up. I had to talk to Flitwick about my grade earlier, and he really wore me out. He says it's getting pretty bad." You both laugh.

"Yeah.." you say, trailing off. Harry looks at you.

"You okay?" He asks. You tilt your head in confusion. "You look tired."

You shrugged. You hadn't been getting a lot of sleep the past few days. You stayed up to overthink, which lost you a good amount of sleep.

You laugh at yourself. "Oh, it's stupid. I just think too much and don't get enough sleep."

This time Harry tilts his head in confusion. "What about?" You blush and look away. Thankfully Hermione came to the rescue.

"Y/n? Oh, hello Harry! Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me?" Hermione asked. "It's important."

You nod, thankful for the distraction. Hermione leads you out of the common room and down a random staircase.

"What's up, Hermione?"

"Harry doesn't like the girl in Arithmancy. I heard him talking to Ron the other day, and I could've sworn he brought your name up-"" Her words were cut off by a loud scream and the sounds of struggling. Looking at Hermione, the both of you acted on instinct. You both grabbed your wands and raced forward, coming to a stop at the sight in front of you.

Marcus Flint and two of his buddies were pushing around a small first year boy. The boy was screaming as they pushed him. Suddenly, one of Marcus's buddies shot a spell at the kid. It hit the kid square in the face, and he fell to the floor. His face began to contort, and it looked like a hundred bees just stung his face. He started to cry, and the boys laughed at him.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now