Chapter 68

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A loud voice behind you startles you. You remained face to face with the werewolf as you heard Professor Sprout scream, "Off the grounds! Now! It's not safe! Dumbledore just told me-"

"Oh my god." Professor Sprout screams.

The werewolf comes closer, sniffing the air and growling.

"Please..." You whisper, terrified for your life.

The werewolf gets right in front of you. It stands on its hind legs, ready to strike, as you spun around to run. You didn't even take a step when the werewolf slashed your back. You screamed out in pain.

"Ow!" You screamed, falling to the ground. The werewolf stood over you before it began to scratch you, leaving you helpless in a pool of your own blood.

The werewolf raised it's hand to strike again when you heard three voices at once.

"Y/n!" Harry screamed. Harry?

"Help her!" Ron shouted.

"Stupefy!" Hermione's voice bellowed. That was the last thing you heard before you lost consciousness.

Harry's POV
I had a free period. I bid my friends goodbye and walked boredly up to the common room. I hated this free period. None of my friends were there. Hermione, Ron, and Y/n had Herbology. Neville and Ginny had Muggle Studies. Fred and George had Divination.

I sat in the common room, glancing at the fire. I sat there for about ten minutes before becoming agitated. The air in the common room smelled stale and gross. I needed fresh air. So I left all my stuff in the common room and descended the stairs in the castle until I reached the front doors.

I walked down the hill and wandered for a bit until I saw two people standing at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. When I got closer I realized it was Ron and Hermione.

"Hey, guys!" I said, walking over. "Aren't you supposed to be in Herbology? Where's y/n?"

Hermione and Ron pointed into the forest. I looked and watched Y/n's slim body sway deeper into the forest. She was walking towards a flower.

"Whats she doing?" I asked, amused.

"She's collecting a flower for us." Ron said, smiling and watching y/n bend down to grab the flower. Her head whipped around and she looked scared.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

Hermione squinted. "What's that?" She asks, pointing. A dark figure lurked in the background, watching y/n.

"Probably a centaur." Ron said offhandedly. We watched her get the flower and walk towards us. Her head looked around again. She looked paranoid. Suddenly, she whipped around the dark figure comes into the light.

A werewolf.

Professor Sprout came running down the hill while all of the students stood at the top, confused.

"Off the grounds! Now! It's not safe! Dumbledore just told me-"

"Oh my god!" Hermione gasped, grabbing Ron's arm. My mouth dropped open. Y/n backed up then spun around to run, but the werewolf slashed her back. She fell to the ground in pain.

"No!" I said. The werewolf begins to scratch her as me, Ron, and Hermione all scream at the same time.

"Y/n!" I screamed, feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Help her!" Ron said, terrified.

Hermione, being the smart one, screamed "Stupefy!" the werewolf stopped mauling Y/n, who's body had gone limp. The werewolf was thrown backwards and hit his leg on a tree. It started limping and whimpering and limped away.

The three of us ran to y/n's limp body. "No, no, no, no, no!" I screamed, reaching her body first.

Hermione reached it second and checked her pulse. "She's breathing. Help me pick her up."

Me and Ron grabbed her body (me at the head, Ron at the feet) and started making our way up to the castle as Professor Sprout wailed, "She's dead! Shes dead! I tried to warn you all, I tried!"


The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα