Chapter 1

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(also, if you like this book and want to read about the summer after, read "The Triangle; The Summer"!!)

You were sat in the Great Hall, cheeks upturned as you smiled. Besides you sat your best friend, her curly brown hair lightly touching your shoulder as you ate. Her nose was tucked neatly into a book as her eyes scanned page after page, never even breaking from the words as she raised a spoon to her mouth. You smiled lightly and turned to face your other friends, who seemed just as occupied as her.

Ronald Weasley had his face dig deep into a chicken leg. He was eating as messily as physically possible, and you held back a gag as you observed him. Ron was ginger, with pale skin and light blue eyes. His eyes were focused menacingly on the chicken leg he had torn his teeth into.

Harry Potter sat beside his best friend, taking a sip of the drink in his cup. Every few moments he would give Ron a disgusted look but he wouldn't mention it. Ron didn't seem to mind the judgment as he tore into his third chicken leg.

Harry had raven black hair. His eyes were a beautiful green that sat glittering under his glasses which sat on the brink of his nose. He had a small smile as he put the cup down.

The Great Hall was loud. Everybody seemed to be deeply involved in a conversation except you, Hermione, and Ron. Harry was deeply interested in whatever he was talking about with Ginny Weasley- Ron's little sister who happened to tag along whenever she could. You didn't have anything against her, you liked her in fact. She just always happened to be there.

You couldn't focus on any one conversation so you just sat, tuning out the sound as you enjoyed your dinner.

Maybe that's why, when Harry spoke to you, you didn't know the context of his words.

"Right, Y/n?" Harry said excitedly. You look over warily, yawning.

"Mmhm." You agreed, with no idea what you'd just agreed too. Hopefully it wasn't anything bad. Harry smiled.

"See?" He said to Ginny. He looked back over at you and smiled, dropping his gaze. You were so tired you failed to notice that you caught his eye, but rather focused on eating. Hermione, however, peeked her brown eyes over the book for just a second to catch the swift movement before sticking it right back in between the pages.

Dinner at Hogwarts was never mediocre, but tonight said differently. You just ate bland chicken. Maybe it was because Snape had yelled at you during Potions that you really wanted to excuse yourself. He had told you your potion looked like "dog's vomit" It wasn't the nicest compliment you'd ever received.

"Listen, guys, I'm exhausted from Potions. Snape started screaming today about my potion. I'm gonna head upstairs." You announced. Hermione gave a grunt, Ron mumbled something you couldn't hear, and Harry gave you a nod.

You pushed your plate forward and stood up, brushing yourself off. You observed the giant room of the Great Hall as you began to walk. The place was huge, with high ceilings and fancy walls. The ceiling tonight displayed a starry night sky with grey clouds. You breathed in the sickly sweet air as you neared the doors.

The students all chattered happily. It was so close to Christmas, who wasn't excited? Well, you weren't. You let your mind run as you headed towards the big, wooden doors of the Great Hall. As you were walking through door, you heard arguing.

"Damnit, Goyle, you're so stupid! Honestly I don't know why I hangout with you." A loud, rude voice yelled out. You stopped in your tracks, worried about what you were going to walk in on. Draco Malfoy's voice rang in your ears as he yelled at Goyle. You eye up the scene. The tall, blonde boy was facing away from you, looking menacingly down at his chubby friend, who looked quite nervous. You never much liked Draco Malfoy. He was just a prissy rich blonde who spent daddy's money.

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