Chapter 79

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Goal after goal was scored, your eyes darting around the pitch.

The second goal was scored by the Gryffindors. Angelina Johnson (Gryffindor) passed the Quaffle through the air to Katie Bell (Gryffindor) but Peregrine Derrick (Slytherin) knocked into Katie, sending the ball flying into the air. It was caught by Alicia Spinnet (Gryffindor) who threw it passed the Slytherin Keeper (Miles Bletchley) and scored.

The next goal was scored by Adrian Pucey. This goal was admittedly more violent than the last goal. Alicia Spinnet was flying with the Quaffle when Graham Montague (Slytherin) slammed into her nearly knocking her from her broom. He snatched the Quaffle and threw to Adrian Pucey, who sneered at Oliver and distracted him before scoring. Oliver looked extremely stressed.

You cheered for Oliver in pity. He looked so upset. "It's alright, Oliver!" You yelled. He looked up and smiled at you, appreciating the support. Harry and Draco's necks snapped around looking at you confused.

The game continued on, with you getting more and more confused by the second.

It started to rain about halfway through the game. The students and grabbed their umbrellas and opened them, avoiding the rain.

Every time either team scored you cheered, granting weird looks from both teams. Only Harry and Draco smiled each time you voted for them.

The air started to get cold. It had been so warm just a couple minutes ago.

"Hermione, are you cold?" You asked.

Hermione shivered, nodding. "I guess the rain brought down the temperature. I can barely see Harry." She squinted, looking for the boy.

"I can barely see anybody!" Ron said, his ginger head shaking. "The rain made it so foggy."

You squinted, trying to see through the pouring rain to find your friends. You could occasionally see a bit of Fred or George, and once or twice you saw a Chaser. Other than that, no one could see the game.

Lee's commentary was drowned out by the wind. No one in the crowd had any idea of what was happening.

"I'm getting bored." You whined, still squinting.

"Me to-" Hermione began. She stopped short.

The players continued whizzing by, ignoring a dark cloaked figure slowly floating towards the pitch. The crowd made noises of surprise and began pointing.

Another figure appeared. Then another. A third. A fourth. Soon it appeared as a whole army of these figures floating towards the pitch. Hermione gasped.

"Those are dementors! They're supposed to be watching the castle, there is no way they're allowed over here!"

You looked around for Draco and Harry, hoping to warn them. Draco had stopped in midair and was staring at the dementors. Harry was no where to be seen.

A new wave of cold swept over you. You started shivering along with the rest of the crowd as many started making sounds of protest.

"Where's Harry?" You asked, panicked.

A scream sounded from the crowd. You looked over at a Ravenclaw girl who was pointing high into the air.

You followed her finger. High above the ground a dark figure plummeted.

"Harry Potter!" A hufflepuff yelled. You, along with the crowd, gasped. Your heart stopped in your chest and you felt dizzy.

"Harry!" You screamed.

"Do something!" Ron shouted. Dumbledore stood and bellowed a spell. Harry stopped falling and floated to the ground, his limp body hanging as if on a string.

You had never seen Dumbledore so angry. He began screaming at the dementors and fired a spell (one you had never seen before) and he began cursing and directing the teachers to bring the students back.

You pulled away from the crowd, desperate to reach Harry.

"Y/n, wait!" Hermione called, her and Ron speeding up to reach you.

You ran onto the field followed by Ron and Hermione. Many of the Gryffindor players were just landing.

You reached Harry first.

"Wake up, Harry, wake up!" You shook him.

"Y/n." Hermione said quietly, pulling you off him. This allowed Fred and George to grab Harry's body. Dumbledore rushed onto the field after you all.

"Bring him to the hospital wing." He said hoarsely.

Fred and George carried Harry to the hospital wing, with you, Hermione, Ron, Oliver, Dumbledore, Alicia, and Katie following.

(i lowkey want to introduce oliver wood as like a friend or something like that so lmk if that's a bad idea)

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