Chapter 21

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You awoke later that night to hear the door creak open.

"Don't wake her." Hermione's voice whispered.

"Ok." Ginny replied. You peeked your eyes open to look at the clock on the wall. 12 in the morning. They must've been chatting in the common room.

You closed your eyes again, listening to them changing for bed and saying goodnight. Your stomach growled, quietly enough that only you could hear it. You waited about half an hour until you heard Ginny and Hermione's shallow breathing, confirming they were asleep.

You stood, and glanced at yourself in the mirror. You were in a black tank top and flannel pajamas (your outfit for bed every night) with a messy bun. You looked tired, but what you really felt was hungry.

You slipped on your white bunny slippers and slowly sneaked out of the room, closing the door quietly. You made your way down to the common room. You were going to go to the kitchens for a late night snack. It was forbidden, but your stomach was growling at you enough to convince you it was worth a shot.

You opened the door, hearing the Fat Lady's muttered angry phrases.

"Sorry." You whispered, but she had already began snoring again. You snuck down a few staircases and hallways until you saw the kitchen door. You pushed it open silently, hoping to get a snack.

You walk over to one of the fridges, rummaging around. Finally you found a bagel and some butter.

"Fancy seeing you here." A voice said behind you. You spin around and lay your eyes on him. Draco.

"Mhm." You say, spinning around, grabbing a plastic knife from a drawer.

"Nice slippers." He smirks, looking at your feet.

"Thanks." You say, buttering your bagel. You then go and sit up on one of the counters.

"Why're you down here?" He asks, leaning against the fridge.

"Wasn't hungry at dinner. Came down here for a late night snack." Draco nods. "And you?" You ask.

He shrugs. "I was tired of listening to Crabbe and Goyle snore."

"They're like big pigs. I dunno why you hangout with them." You say absentmindedly.

"Our families are friends. I can't really avoid them." You just nod. The two of you sit in silence for a bit.

"I still haven't forgiven you, ya know." You say.

Draco looks down at his feet. "I know." He says.

You give him a small smile. "Wow. It's been a solid minute without you insulting me. I guess I can say I've changed Draco Malfoy for the better?"

Draco laughs. "You wish." You smile and continue eating your bagel. "Doesn't mean I like your pathetic friends any more."

You roll your eyes. "Way to ruin the moment."

Draco opens the fridge. He also grabs a bagel and butter, and begins buttering it. You watch him contently, soaking in the comfortable silence. He turns around and watches you for a moment.

"You like him, don't you?" Draco asks. You tilt your head. "Harry I mean. You like him."

"Why do you say that?"

"I dunno. The way you look at him. I can see it."

You look away. "I dunno." You whisper.

Draco sighs, looking at his feet.

"I- I don't like either of you. I can't. It just.. can't happen." You say, watching him look up at you in shock. With that, you walk out of the kitchen, leaving Draco to stand by the fridge holding his bagel.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now