Chapter 5

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Pansy storms off into the library. You chuckle as you watch her go.

"lShe was getting on my nerves."

You laugh. "I think she fancies you." Draco looks over at you, smiling warily.

"She keeps hinting to me about the ball. But I don't want to go with her." He said.

You shrugged. "I'm not going with anyone either. Just my friends, I guess. Not that I want to go with anyone."

Malfoy tilted his head, looking you up and down. "Really?" He asked. "Well you're really pretty. I thought someone would've asked you by now-" He stops, realizing what he just said. "Oh.. I- uh- I'm sorry it just slipped out-"

You chuckle, blushing while looking at your feet. "Thanks." You say. Draco smiles down at his feet.

Pansy comes out from the library. "Ok Draco." She says in a loud voice. "Let's go back downstairs, teehee." She does a fake stupid laugh at the end that makes you grind your teeth together. Boy, do you hate her.

"Bye, Draco." You say, smiling at him. "Have fun with Prissy." Draco laughs and Pansy gives you a glare, walking off with Draco.

"Wait, Draco!!" You call, remembering what you were sent out to do.

He turns around and Pansy rolled her eyes impatiently.

"McGonagall wanted to see you, in her classroom." Draco nodded and turned around, walking towards her classroom. Pansy hurried after him.

You chuckle to yourself and begin walking to dinner. Draco seems to be kind of interested in you. Well, he called you pretty, at least. But then again, he was a stuck up bully. You shouldn't care what he thinks.

You finally got downstairs and into the Great Hall. The students chattered happily, pointed out the big Christmas tree in the corner. Dumbledore must've done it last night. You looked fondly at the tree as you walked to sit with your friends. There was an open spot next to Harry, so naturally, you sat there.

"Hey guys." You said. Your friends all greeted you. "Did you all see the Christmas tree in the corner?"

"'s nice." Ron said, winking at Harry. Harry rolled his eyes. Hermione begun talking about what enchantments Dumbledore could've used to make it float off the ground, and how he got the frost to stay. Meanwhile, you and Harry were talking about the ball.

"I got this really nice dress. My father got me it a couple years ago but it hasn't fit me well until this year." Harry smiles, his cheeks a light, somewhat unnoticeable pink.

"I've got a suit. It's kind of maroon."

"That's cool. So are you going with that girl from your Arithmancy?" You asked.

"I don't think so." He says. You nod. "I was planning on asking someone else, though-"

Hermione cut Harry off by accident to ask you a question.

Harry stopped talking. He turned and began talking to Ginny about how awful the food was.

You talked to Hermione for a little while until somebody bumped into you. You looked up to see Pugface glaring at you.

"Oops!" She said in a fake high voice. You were in no mood to fight with her right now.

"I'm going upstairs." You mutter, walking away. You weren't in the mood for confrontation. Hermione calls after you, but you don't turn around.

You decide to go to the common room. It should be empty now that dinner has happened.

You were walking down an empty corridor when someone appeared at the other end. What a surprise. Draco Malfoy.

"Hey there." You say. He looks up at you.

"Oh! I was looking for you." He said. You tilt your head. He walks up to you and stops, directly in front of you. "Y/n... I was wondering if you maybe... I dunno.. wanted to go to the ball with me?"

Your cheeks ignited in a red color. You think about it. I mean, why should you go with him? He's a brat, and he's never been nice to you. But then again, you've always wanted to get to know people from other houses, even Slytherin. And plus, you wouldn't wish for anyone to go with Pansy...

"Yes. Yes I would like that."

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon