Chapter 75

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Draco's POV
I watched y/n run off, pain written all over her body. Her face. Her features. I spun around to Pansy, anger fueling me, heating my blood.

"How dare you?" I screamed, shoving her. She stumbled backwards into a table.

"Draco, I-"

"Shut up!" I screamed, advancing on her. She backed away in fear. "Do you know what this cost me? You are so incredibly stupid! Why would you EVER pretend to be Y/n? You could never be as kind, or innocent, or graceful, or anything!" I spit words out of my mouth, not thinking before I spoke nor regretting it. Pansy looked at me, hurt.

"Imagine how I feel!" She screamed, glaring at me. "Seeing you look at her the way you do! You don't even know what I would give for that to be me! You only think about yourself!"

"About myself? IM THE SELFISH ONE?" I bellowed, most definitely waking half of the Slytherin house if not all. "Do you realize what you've done? Polyjuice potion? Acting like Y/n? How did you even stop her from getting here? And imagine how I feel! This girl, who I lov-" I stop myself, thinking of my words for the first time since I started screaming, "-I mean- care about seeing me kissing you? Someone who I told her not to worry about?!"

Pansy glared at me. "You don't know how I feel! You don't know how it feels to be the second choice!"

"Oh yes I do! How do you think I feel, having to compete with The Boy Who Lived for this girl? They're in the same house, same age, and same friend group. Have you ever stopped to think about what I feel like?" Pansy sniffles.

"I DONT CARE WHAT YOU FEEL LIKE!" Pansy screamed, clearly getting angry. "I've tried for THREE YEARS to get your attention and this is how you're treating me? Like a burden?!"


"Y/n is just a worthless attention whor-" Pansy began. I snapped. I couldn't let her say this stuff, not about Y/n. I raised my wand, about to shoot a curse, when the door to the common room burst open.

A tall man with long black hair walked in just as I hit Pansy with a hex. Breathing heavily, I looked over, ignoring Pansy's cries of pain.

"Professor Snape." I said. He looked between me and Pansy in shock.

"Detention, Mr. Malfoy. And as much as I hate to do this, 10 points from Slytherin."

Your POV
You ran from the room, tears flooding your face. Huh. This seemed kind of familiar.

You burst into the Great Hall, wiping your eyes. You got a lot funny looks as you ran down the aisle.

Your three friends looked over at the loud footsteps and their faces changed. They were all laughing about something until they saw you.

"What, you're all making fun of me?" You asked aggressively.

"What? No! Y/n what's wrong?" Hermione asked.

You took a deep breath. "Nothing."

The three of them looked at you, as if saying "that's not true"

You burst out into tears and began to explain the whole thing. Cedric, the duel, the second duel, and finally walking in on Pansy and Draco.

The three watched you sympathetically. You were getting a loud of weird looks. It makes sense, you were sobbing in the middle of dinner.

Finally, you finished. "Aww, sweetie!" Hermione said, pulling you into a hug. The other two added words like, "That sucks!" (Ron) and "I'm always here for you." (Harry)

Dinner came to a slow end in which you ate and stopped crying. Hermione walked you to your room trying to come up with ideas why you could've seen it wrong.

"Maybe she forced him to?"

"No. He was kissing her just as passionately as he kissed me."

"Maybe she bet him on it?"

"He's got all the cash in the world."

"Maybe she changed her appearance?"

"What like Polyjuice? No, she's too stupid for that. Goodnight Hermione."


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