Chapter 7

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"Who do you think you are? You... you... disgusting beasts!" You scream, shooting spells at them. One of the boys turns, and fires a spell back. It hits you, knocking you off your feet. Hermione spins around and fires a spell, which launches Marcus backwards into a wall.

Marcus growls as he gets back up. "Filthy Mudblood!" He screams, firing a spell at Hermione. She blocks it, and continues to fire spells at Marcus. You were dealing with the other two. They were blocking your path to the kid, so you had to fight for it. You fire a spell at one of the boys, who blocks it, but accidentally hits his buddy in the eye with his wand. His buddy screams and pushes him, sending a spell ricocheting off the walls. It hits Marcus. Marcus falls to the ground, foaming at the mouth. Whatever spell they fired at you, it was powerful, and dangerous too. One boy goes to help Marcus while the other takes on you and Hermione.

"Just let us get to the boy!" You scream, as you block another spell.

"No! We weren't done with him yet!"

"You're disgusting!" Hermione says. You continue firing spells at the kid, making him back up further and further, until he finally trips over Marcus and his friend. You and Hermione hold your wands over the three.

"Get out of here. If I ever see you doing something like that again, you're gonna wish you didn't." You said, anger lacing every word.

The two boys nod, and grab Marcus, who has passed out. They start dragging him back to their common room.

You sit down next to the kid.

"Shhh, shhh. It's ok I've got you now. It's ok we are going to bring you to the hospital wing okay?" The kid continues to cry.

"Hermione, come help me pick him up." You say. Hermione walks over to you.

"T-they atta-attacked me a-and I di-di-didn't even do an-anything." The kid whimpers out. You smooth his hair down.

"Shhh, it's okay. Those kids are very very mean and they do it to a lot of people." The kid nods and then passes out. You and Hermione lift him up and begin bringing him down to the hospital wing.

Hermione looks really upset. You ask if she's okay.

Hermione sighs. "I dunno. It's so awful what they did to this poor little kid. I hate them so much." Hermione says angrily. You nod, agreeing with her. It was disgusting.

Finally the three of you arrived at the hospital wing. You rush over to Madam Pomfrey.

"Madam Pomfrey! This little boy was pushed and shoved and they preformed a spell on him- I don't know which one-" You said. Hermione laid the boy down on one of the beds, and drew the curtains around him. Madam Pomfrey rushed over to examine the boy.

"Poor kid. That spell is very, very dangerous. He'll have to stay here overnight. I'll be right back with a Potion that will counteract the effects." You thanked her as she hurried off. You sat with the boy behind the curtains. No one from the outside of the curtains could see you.

Suddenly, you heard moaning and load voices.

"It's killed meh, it's killed meh!" You heard Draco whining. The curtains around you were drawn, but you could still hear his voice.

Crabbe and Goyle start talking as Malfoy makes as much noise as possible. You hear Madam Pomfrey come out all scrambled, confused what all the noise is about. You hear Hagrid's voice as he tells her what happened, something about a hippogriff, and then Madam Pomfrey tells Malfoy to rest.

About five minutes later, once Madam Pomfrey and Hagrid had gone, you hear Crabbe start speaking.

"So I guess you won the bet."

Goyle snickers, and Malfoy responds, "Yeah I did. She said she'd go to the ball with me." Crabbe and Goyle start cracking up.

"She's so stupid!" Goyle says. "I can't believe she said yes. Honestly."

You turn to Hermione, her expression shocked.

You feel anger bubbling up inside you

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You feel anger bubbling up inside you. Was this about you?

"You can be hot but stupid. Y/n is an example of that." Crabbe says.

"So you're gonna tell her it was a joke tonight, right Draco?" Goyle asks.

Draco starts to answer, but you've had enough. You get up, open the curtains and storm over. Malfoy is laying on one of the beds with his arm wrapped. Crabbe and Goyle sat on either side of him, chuckling like idiots.

You walked over, slapped Draco as hard as you could, and spun on your heel. Draco made a sound of pain and surprise as you stormed out of the hospital wing, a single tear going down your cheek.

The Triangle: Year 3 (Draco X Reader X Harry)Where stories live. Discover now