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"This is the last suitcase?" I murmured to Ray and Craig.

I don't even know how to feel right now.

"No, here." Chres said giving it too the man.

"So this is it?" I asked looking at them feeling a tear sliding down my face.

"Don't cry babygirl, we will meet again." Craig said hugging me.

"I still can't believe Jake just up and disappeared." I said shaking my head.

"Ms.Gibson, your plane will be boarding in 5 minutes." My dad's assistant Kim said to me.

"Well guys I guess this is goodbye..." I said. I walked to Craig and gave him a big hug kissing his cheek. He attempted to wipe my tears but they continuously fell out of my eyes. I hugged Chres. I walked to Ray and did our signature handshake. I smiled and he pulled me into a bear hug. I looked the twins and shed the most tears.

"I don't know if I can do this.." I said looking down.

"We always have Skype and Facetime. We can Oovoo, and call each other and text. Spring break is coming up, and we can come visit you." Justina said.

"Yea we won't forget you, but we do have to move on. Like you. Whatever happened to Jacob, you have to let that go and move on with him." Ashley said.

"I love you guys." I said hugging them.

"Last call Ms. Gibson." Kim said.

"I love all you guys. I hope we can still maintain our friendship. I hope God will bless you guys life. I hope Chres and Ashley have a great relationship along with Ray and Natalie. Please guys, just don't forget me, and continue doing great in school. Don't forget to call me everyday." I said with a sad smile.

It took me months to make friends, the transitioning will be hard. Then, the person I needed the most isn't here for me. I can't deal right now.

"Come on, we're going to miss it." Kim said. I rolled my eyes.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." I said waving, trying hard not to breakdown.

"We love you!" They yelled as I walked away. I turned around and blew them a kiss at them as Chres held the girls as they cried.

We got into the plane and got comfortable. I relaxed until I had to go to the bathroom. As I got up I saw a big Afro.

"Jacob...?" I mumbled to myself. As I walked closed it started to look like him more.

"Jacob?!" I said grabbing the attention of everybody.

"Alana?" Kim said looking at me. The person with the Afro turned around and I realized it wasn't Jacob.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I said rushing into the bathroom. I do my business and look at myself in the mirror. Am I going paranoid?

"No, no I can't be..." Yet I'm talking to myself in the mirror. I take my sleeping pills from my pocket and swallow it with the water from the fountain in the bathroom.

I shake my head at how unsanitary that is.

I get out, just to be stared at by everybody on the plane and take my seat.

"Are you okay?" Kim asked.

"Yea I'm fine." I said dozing off.


"Wake up! We're in Cali. The plane just landed!" Kim said smiling at me while shaking me.

"Your luggage is probably at the house as we speak, so let's get ready to head to your new home." She said. I stretched and saw the Afro boy. I walked over to him.

I Can't Go Back To The Way It Used To BeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant