Chapter 29: Worthless

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🌸QOTC🌸 Will you read my new book?

It's called Yellow and Purple. It's Jelsa. Please read.

*Hiccups Point Of View*


When I was younger my parents didn't want me. I was an accident first of all, and I wasn't normal.

My mom wanted out. She didn't want to kill me and she didn't want to put me up for adoption, because she would've been frowned upon.

So instead they decided on beating me, and locking me away. They made me clean and work for them, and whipped me at the end of every day. In my room.

I hated that room. One mattress in a towel size closet. Cement floors and walls.

It was terrible. They were ashamed of me, the town was disgusted by me, I got beat up at school everyday. The kids there thought I couldn't hear a world they said. They were wrong, everyone was always wrong. Until they disappeared. Parents? Disappeared. Bullies? Disappeared. Me? Ended up alone, on the streets. Which was happiness and freedom to me.

**Note. Everyone has a sad backstory. Sorry if it's getting a bit depressing but it gets better.


*Elsa's Point Of View*

Everything bad happens in Santa's office. In fact that's where we are now. Probably receiving more bad news.

"I've called you here today because Hiccup and Merida have gone missing."

Knew it.

"They were captured by Pitch. We need to get them out of its not already to late. Merida and Hiccup have not completed their Guardian training to they are not immortalized. Jack and Elsa, you will go through a shortened training course to go in and save Merida and Hiccup. Your training starts now."

The lights go out. Darkness. You can hear the sound of high pitch screaming. The chairs that were holding us up are now gone as we both fall in a seemingly bottomless hole..... until we hit the soft ground. If should I say soft grainy ground. It feels hot. Too hot. It feels like all the moisture has left my body. And that's when the lights turn on again.

The desert. The f'n desert.


Story is about to pick up. Got way too depressing 😴 so there training is going to be like the hunger games and the maze runner. Hunger games because it's an arena and they have to survive. Maze runner because they have to work together.

Watch tv, don't kill me


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