Chapter:16 Elsa's House

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*Jacks Point Of View*

It's 3:58 and I can see Elsa walking towards me already.

She looks beautiful. I've never seen her wear her hair down before. She looks stunning. And I just want to hug her and kiss her cuddle and watch movies together. And gosh Jack get a hold of yourself!

Anyway...Her hair is blowing behind her in the wind and her dress blend in with the pretty flowers of the garden. Her rosy cheeks glow brightly as she makes eye contact with me.

"Hi Jack." she says as she waves a bit awkwardly. I just sorta blank out for a few seconds because next thing you know Elsa is snapping her fingers in my face.

"YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL ELSA." I blurt out. Ugh, I look down at the ground my cheeks turning a bright shade of red.

Elsa laughs politely. "Thanks Jack, you look very handsome yourself." she smiles.

"So what did you want me to meet you for?" she asks. Oh yeah. I feel my smile drop but I still try to sound happy.

"Well I shall show you when we get there."

Santa gave me my staff yesterday. He also gave me a less *out there* one. It was a beanie. I take it off and flick downwards and it does what I want. I think I'm only going to use it this once since Elsa doesn't know about my powers yet.

I take out my light blue beaning and flick it downwards. A powder blue limo appears in the drive way by the garden. "Your carriage awaits my lady." I say as I bow and take her hand. She giggles as we walk into the limo and she takes her seat.

She's giggling now. But she'll be shooting me later.


*Meridas Point Of View*

"Who are you? What did you do to my mother? What are you gonna do to us?"

"Patience young one. You'll see with time."

Now I'm left in the dark, hung by shackles, wishing I had someone to help me.

I hang my head down in shame. What am I supposed to do? I'll die in here. In a cell hung my shackles, no food, striped of my weapons, I have nothing to fight with and who knows if I have anything to fight for? Whoever this person is could've killed her already.

I'm just confused and mad. Anger is my fire but this time I'm not fired up, I'm all burnt out.


*Elsa's Point Of View*

"We're here!" Jack says excitedly as he lets me out of the limo. "Where exactly are we?" I ask.

In front of me is a beautiful castle made out of ice. I can't wait to go inside of it. Jack is staring at the castle admirably. I wonder what this castle has to do anything.

"Race you inside!" I yell as I start running up the stairs into the castle. "Wait no fair!" Jack yells as he follows close behind me.

"Wow" I say as I step foot inside. Something about this place feels so familiar. It's like I'm attached to this place and I want to stay here in this moment with Jack forever.

" I know right?" Jack makes a right towards the staircase and walks into the second room on the right. "I'm guessing you know your way around this place?"

"Not more than you." I hear him mutter under his breath. What was that supposed to mean?

I walk into the room to see two chairs facing a huge window.

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