Chapter:20 What I've Learned.

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Wattpad ofc. Or maybe twitter. Or tumblr. Lol I love all apps can't pick. Most likely Wattpad.

*Merida's Point Of View*

I've realized lots of things today. Firstly, you can easily go from eating raw eggs in a cafeteria to hanging in shackles against a wall. Also, the more you struggle, the more painful it is.

I've also learned that the one who trapped me here? Yeah his name is Pitch. Pitch Black. Though his skin is a bright glistening blue. What a beautiful blue for an ugly person.

While we're at it, did you know that my mother is hanging right above me? yeah. She unconscious. She's suspended by one rope upside down. I'm surprised she isn't dead yet.

Why am I so calm about this you ask? Because I am going insane. I can feel Pitch entering my mind. I don't like it one bit. Within the first few hours I felt him sneaking it on my movements and actions. He's even invaded my thoughts. He getting stronger, and any minute he'll control my mind. But I won't let him get to my feelings. I'm stronger than-....

Stronger then what Merida? Not stronger than me. One down... Three to go.


That was a short chapter. And a little confusing. So let me try to explain a little clearer.

So basically Merida is still in this chamber underground thingie. And she's trying to process what has happened. So she's sorting everything out while Pitch is slowly taking over her body. And at the the end he finally does. So he says 1 down 3 to go.

3 updates today. On a roll guys.

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