Chapter:11 Undeserved Words

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So I actually have a real solid reason for not updating this past weekend like I usually do. What is that reason you ask?

Read on to find out.


*Elsa's Point Of View*

Why is everyone acting so weird? Its been two days since the meeting in Santa's Office. Jack still isn't talking to me. It's like the very sight of me pains him. Merida seems to be ignoring me too and I just feel so alone...

"Hey Elsa!" I hear Merida call. I look over to her with a smile. "Hey Merida!" I say as I walk over to her.

"You know, I've been thinking about the world, and realized that you've been a very good person in life." she says while I give her a confused look. "Thank you?"

"You welcome. But then I realized that I must have been a bad person in life because for some reason I got you for a roommate."

She laughs and walks away down the hall until she disappears in sight. That was rude. What did I ever do to her? Hopefully this doesn't continue.

Maybe I should go talk to Hiccup.


*Jack's Point Of View*

Elsa. Elsa alive. Elsa dead. Elsa hating me. Elsa loving me. Elsa slapping me. Elsa hugging me.

What will be her reaction to the news I'm about to giver her?

Santa and I had another talk yesterday and I've come to the decision of telling her today. My plan is to tell her, and then hand her her memories.

I actually have her memories in my hand right now. Her memories are blue in color. They are placed in a special jar I picked out. A snowflake. I watch as the liquid made of her memories swirls around in the jar at peace, with no worries. I doubt that's how she actually felt. In peace, with no worries?

I don't want her to have to experience everything all over again. She doesn't deserve to be in all this pain. She doesn't deserve to have to deal with me. She doesn't deserve to deal with what I've done and my presence.

I don't deserve her.


*Hiccups's Point Of View*

I honestly thought that Merida was a ¢øøł girl. She's beautiful, strong, and smart.

But then she made that horrible comment to Elsa.

I don't know what Elsa did to make her say something like that but that was pretty rude.

Now Merida just seems like a plastic b****.

The worst part is that I still like that plastic b****.

Maybe I should talk to Elsa. I'll ask her what she did wrong and tell her why I asked, because I like Merida.

This seems like a stupid plan, and I'll probably end up getting slapped but who cares? It's worth it.

I walk out my dorm, locking it, and set off towards Elsa's dorm. Hopefully Merida isn't there.


So this I why I haven't updated in 2-3 weeks.

So about a week ago.... I'm sorry....


Anyway *clears throat* so my principle was walking around my school and my iPod was hanging out if my pocket so I asked my friend if she could put it in her locker.

So it's the end of the day, and a Friday, and I forget to get my iPod. One whole weekend gone.

So on Monday I finally get my iPod out. And it dead. No biggy I'll charge it when I get home. Guess what? my brother stole all of my family's chargers, took my dads spare car, and drove across the country. (Kidding. He stole the chargers and drove the car to a state away)

So if course, my mom and Dad had a car charger so they were just fine. So I had to wait until the weekend to get a phone charger.

Saturday, go to Walmart. Get the wrong charger. Today, return the charger, gets the right one. And now I'm here lol.

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