2413: The Prisoner

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"Dad!" You whined.

"Just watch him. It's that easy."

"What if he escapes, what will I do?"

"Call someone." He got his car keys. "I'll be back."

You sighed frustratedly and looked at the cell.

'Ugh, why the hell would dad leave me with a criminal.' You thought as you eyed the man inside.

He had his back turned away from you so you couldn't see his face. All the information you had about him was that he was "2413", he had pale skin, and he had purple hair.

It was only you at the moment, inside the room where the cell was. All the other police were in chase or something.

You turned back to your phone, only to find the battery dangerously low.

"Shit." You muttered, quickly getting your charger. You found a socket, but in a hurry, you crashed into a chair.

"Ow, fuck." You rubbed the sore spot on your arm. You plugged the charger into the socket when you heard a laugh.

"Baka, how can you not see the chair? Ahaha, are you blind?"



So this is my new fanfic

Sorry for any error

I hope you like my new story


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