feast |alpha part 2|

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My life has been considerably easier ever since I met Ash. Aside for some minor (not really) Omega issues that come with having a mate - everything is just fine.

Well there was also University and the workload the lecturers have been pouring on us but would you really care if there was a hot Alpha waiting for you at the gates at the end of the day.

Guess not for all cause we all have preferences but ever since Ash marked me as his mate, I feel somewhat at ease.

Today he wasn't waiting for me at the gates but he texted me to go on ahead since he had some things to do.

So I went on ahead to my apartment which has basically became Ash's second home during the weekdays. On weekends we go to his mom's house at Pallet Town which is always a blast since Delia is the best cook. I always look forward to a home cooked meal after days of surviving off of ramen and other junk food Ash brings with him.

Yeah, two of us are hopeless at cooking.

But what I did know how to cook is dumplings, something I had learned online and chose to perfect throughout the years. Now it is Ash's favourite dish...because it's the only dish I can make without burning down the kitchen besides ramen.

And today I want make him some dumplings since the semester has come to an end. Which naturally means holiday. So why not celebrate with a nice meal.

I had purchased the ingredients on the way back from school. After freshening up I instantly got to work with making the dough and chopping up the vegetables.

The process took me about an hour and a half. I left the dumplings to steam while I called Ash to check up on him.

His phone rang twice before he picked up. "Gou I'm sorry. The station was packed and I just managed to get on a train. I'll be there in probably half an hour if I run." He immediately explained. I could hear the panic in his voice.

I chuckled. "Ash, it's okay. I just called to check up on you and I'm glad you're doing fine."

"Oh...you're not mad?"

"No." I scoffed. I never got mad at him for being late so I don't know what he's on about. "Take your time. Besides, the dumplings will be ready by the time you get here." I added, knowing that the mention of food will get him fired up.

"Dumplings?" Ash asked almost immediately.

"Mmhmm, I made some for dinner."

"Did I say half an hour? Make that five minutes!"

"Ash, that is remotely possible."

"Oh Gou, my love. When you put my two favourite things together, nothing is impossible." His voice suddenly became low, almost like he was trying to seduce me. I believe there is a word for that....


"Oh yeah, what might that be?" I asked raising a brow, smirking.

"Food and you."

Dammit! There goes my heart. My face was probably burning red. Five months and I'm still not used to his shenanigans!

"Aw love, are you blushing?" His teasing made me hotter. Is the air conditioning on?

"S-shut u-up you f-flirt!" I stuttered. Dammit! He knows.

Ash chuckled, "Don't worry love. When I get there I'll give you something else to blush about."

"S-shut up Ash!"

"Mmhmm, kay bye! Can't wait to get home!"

"Ugh!" I scowled and hung up. I stared at my phone, seeing the reflection of my red face I covered it with my hand and smiled.

Sure it was embarrassing but it was a really nice feeling that Ash gives me.


Ash finished off and licked his fingers, giving me a satisfied smirk which made me blush as I rolled off the couch.

"Stop eating with your hands." I complained as I stacked the plates neatly into a pile.

"Why? It's much more easy than stabbing a fork into it and worrying about the food falling off. Plus, I hate the feeling of the metal on my teeth." Ash agrued. I shivered when he mentioned the metal on the teeth thing.

I knew too well.

"Anyway, let's have desert." Ash clapped his hands.

I turned to him with a raised brow, "We have desert?" I asked.

Ash nodded and stood up. I watched curiously as he made his way over to me. Realization struck and I tried to jump out of hus grasp but it was too late as he grabbed me and swiftly slung me over his shoulder.


"Um, I'm stronger than you, that's how." Ash chuckled.

"Put me down Ash." I sighed.

"Why? Aren't we having desert?"

Wait, what.


"Aww, Gou. No, I won't."

My heart began to beat fast as he started moving. I knew too well where this was going.

"Ash! The dishes!"

"Shh, we haven't finished feasting yet."

I brought my hands up and rubbed my warm face.

"Now hush my handsome omega and let's finish this feast." I heard Ash say. I watched as he closed the door behind him.

Oh boy.



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