Chapter 25:-

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Author's Note:-

HELLO! It's been quite some time since I last updated... Sorry to keep you people waiting. I just want to say Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (x infinity) much for all the votes and everything! Love you guys so much! I updated this chapter for my non-dentical twin sister who posesses this ability of reading my mind and I hers.... so she's now officially SIXTEEENNNNN! HAPPPYYY SWWEEETT SIIIXXTEEEN! And here is your birthday present ... (The update is your birthday present :P) Love you sooo much @Dreamswriter ! I miss you! I CANNOT BELIEVE I WON'T BE THERE ON YOUR FREAKIN' SWEET SIXTEEN! AAAAAA! You better save me some cake! 

Okay. I shall now shut up now and let you all read in peace!

PS: Don't forget to comment and vote! :D ... Thanks for reading!



Chapter 25:-

Alisha's P.O.V:-

After five minutes of listening to Riana complain about how Harry still hadn't asked her out, I suggested that we should sit in the TV lounge. All of a sudden my phone started buzzing. I slip It out of my pocket to see that I had received a new text message from Mason.

Hey! Can I call you? Are you free? - Mason

I look around to see Riana still complaining and Zayn and Perrie were actually listening to her.

"Guys, I'll be back in a second." I said, getting up.

Without waiting for a response, I went to my room and texted Mason.

Sure :) - A

Within a second or two, my phone started blaring.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hello!" The same familiar voice replied and then continued, "So, I was thinking if you would like to go out sometime."

Wow, that was fast. I am not very sure about this though 'cause we're only here for a few days and I don't want to be in a relationship that won't last long. I think I'll just keep things to friends basis, nothing more and nothing less.

"Hello? You still there?" Mason's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah. Yeah , I'm here. Listen, Mason you are a nice guy and all and I would love to go out, but I'll be heading back to New York in a few days time and I don't want to start something I wouldn't be able to finish. How about we just stay friends?" I said.

For a second there was silence on the other side and then he replied," Yeah sure! I understand! Friends?"

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