Chapter 31:-

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Author's note:-

Oh my gosh! 15000+ reads... I love each and every single one of you so much! I know I'm a crappy updater and take ages to upload :( I'm reaaalllyyyy sooorrrryyy ! I write a long chappie to make up for it :) I kind of rushed through it so there will be some errors... Sorry about that :p

Love you all soooooo much!

This chappie is dedicated to @ChristinaSilvaz because she's suuuppper sweet :) xx

Ok I'm now going to let you all read in peace :D

Love you all! mwah mwah :*


Chapter 31:-

Louis' P.O.V:-

"So she just got up and left?" I asked once again.

Harry looked at me and nodded in response. Tears threatening to spill out from his eyes. He has never behaved like this after any of his breakups. He really must be in love.

"Haz, why did you say 'nothing' in the first place?" I asked, quizzically.

"I... I didn't know what to say. By 'nothing' I meant that I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't be ABLE to. I would just sit there by her side and never leave her. I ... I just couldn't put it into proper words then. " He explained, as I thumped him on the head.


" You deserved it! Why didn't you tell her that?!"

"I told you! I couldn't put it into proper words then. She left after that." His voice trembling again.

"You're in love, aren't you, mate?"

"Yes." He answered.

"We'll try to resolve this issue later, but right now we need to be at the hospital." I said, changing the topic,trying to distract him from thinking about it again. He gets really depressed and sad.

"Oh yeah! How's Dani?" He asked.

"She's awake!" I exclaimed.

"Really?! That's great news! " He said, sadness still present in his voice.

"Yeah! Lets go, mate." I said, getting up.


Liam's P.O.V:-

Danielle was fine now. She was talking, laughing and smiling! It feels good seeing her like this again. I sat beside her, her hand in mine as I rubbed small circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Liam, I really missed you, you know?" She smiled.

"I missed you too. I thought I had lost you forever, Dani." I replied.

"You won't ever lose me, Liam. I'll always be with you, in here." She said, placing her hand on my chest, over my heart, and then continued, "I'll always be right here."

I pecked her on the cheek, carefully.

"No. I won't ever lose you because I'm never ever letting you go again." I whispered, planting another kiss on her cheek, making her blush.

There was a knock on the door which caused me to sit back on the chair immediately. I looked towards the door and then said, "Come in."

Niall who was eating a chocolate bar entered the room.

"So what's going on lovebirds?" Niall asked, munching his chocolate bar.

"Niall, thanks." Dani said.

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