Chapter 15*Clone*

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Hello guys, how are you all doing? Hope y'all are good?.....

I know I haven't updated in like forever now and I apologise for that. Hope we're good now?😚

Did you check out the stories I suggested in the previous chapter?

If you did how did you like it?
If you didn't You're missing out and you should probably check it out.


Diana's POV

On the phone with Gary....

Diana: Hello Gary?

Gary: Yes miss, shall I come pick you up now?

Diana: No! Don't do that, actually that's why I called, a friend of mine will be taking me home so you don't have to come at all.

Gary: But miss may I ask who this friend is? And are your parents aware of them?

Diana: You wouldn't know who my friend is if I told you, its a new found friend. And again my parents doesn't need to know all of my friends so don't mention this to them.

Gary: But miss your parents trusts me to do the right thing.

Diana: I know. Now this is the right thing to do, don't tell them about it, and besides you're my driver not theirs.

Gary:Alright miss, I'll do as you say.

Diana: thank you Gary, I owe you one.........

........Hangs up........


Great now I can go on my date with mason. I usually go home straight right after school, that's my parents rule. But whatever I'd do anything for mason.
That's how much I like him.


So I was hurrying up after school so that I could meet up with mason on time.

"Hey D, why are you in such a haste?" Jade asked me.

"Yea I noticed that too. Are you going somewhere?" Lauren added.

"Yes as a matter of fact I am" I said with less concern.

"But your driver isn't even here yet, so what's the rush?" brook said.

"Yea I asked him not to pick me up today " I said.

"What?, how come? Did something happen?" Jade asked me sounding concerned.

"Nothing happened, its just that I already have a ride so he doesn't have come anymore " I said with no much stress.

"You already have a ride home??, huh? Well who is it?" Brook asked with curious eyes.

"You're not gonna believe it, mason Kendell" I said which earned me a 'ohhh' and 'ahhh' from the girls and a very shocked face from Lauren.

"Mason Kendell??" Lauren repeated.

"Yes Laur, mason Kendell " I replied looking her straight in the eye.

"So you mean mason Kendell offered to give YOU a ride home?" Lauren asked as if it was the most craziest thing she's ever heard.

"Oh my God Lauren for the last time Yes!, oh and you know actually we'll be going out first to grab some bites before we head home " I said just to spite her more.

"Oh good for you. Oh and does your parents know about this little adventure of yours?" Lauren asked me.

I know what she's trying to do and I'm not gonna let her win.

THE IDENTICAL TWINSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin