Chapter7* I'm sorry*

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  Hey lovely people from earth, I've got a new chapter just for you guys and I'm dedicating it to everyone of you reading this right now.
Oh and welcome to November by the way.

Much love from me.
Anita Sebastian.

Alex's POV

   I woke up this morning feeling very much better than yesterday, I promised myself last night that I wasn't gonna cry again or bother myself for some jerk that didn't care about anyone else but himself.

  I'm not gonna bother myself about tutoring him anymore, if he wants to be tutored, he should come to me not the other way round.

I got out of my bed, which feels like it was made out of hard stone, seriously I really needed a new bed.

Speaking of new beds, I've gotta get a new job, I was dismissed at my old job  because the manager wanted to hire his niece instead, so I had to make way for his niece to take my place and now I'm jobless.

   I had my bath, and got ready for school, I wore my usual clothes that I normally wear every other day, and I didn't apply any makeup today because I'm not planning to impress anyone.

And by anyone, I mean Lucas jerk Scott. Yep. That guy.

I rushed downstairs to make breakfast for everyone and after that I took mine and said goodbye to Sophie and Ace then ran off to school.


  On reaching school, I was greeted by Jess, my bestie.

“Hey before you say anything, I'm sorry ” Jess said to me.

“What for Jess, what sin did you commit this time around? ”I asked her faying innocence.

  Of course I know why she's sorry, she went to school without me again, this is the second time she's left without me and I'm kinda pissed with her right now.

“Come on Alex, I'm sorry alright, my dad drove me to school again, and you know how he is” she pleaded with me.

And I just can't stay angry for long with anyone especially Jess.

“Yeah I know how he is and I'm not mad at you, so you don't have to apologize ” I said to her sweetly.

“Thank you for understanding, but just so you know, if it was me, huh girl, I will not be forgiving you that easily, you'd have to suffer a little bit in other to earn my forgiveness ” she said to me as a matter of fact.

“What are you trying to say, that I shouldn't forgive you that easily? ” I said to her a little bit confused.

“What!, no no no, why would I say that?, I just meant , you know what just forget it, now tell me, hehe , how did your big time American date go?” she said while winking and grinning.

“First of all, quite doing that with your face, it's kinda disgusting and distracting, second of all, it was not a date, not to talk of it being a big timed American one, and lastly he didn't show up. End of story ”. I said quickly to her.

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