Chapter 8*The party*

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Hello wonderful people from earth, how's November treating you?.

So here's a new chapter as promised, enjoy.


Much love from me,
Anita Sebastian.


Diana's POV

Today, I'm gonna find a way to make Mason Kendell fall for me, although I have no idea where to start since he's proven to be a stubborn pain.

'Looks like I'm gonna need some help with that'.

Good morning parents, how was your nights ” I asked my mom and dad once I came downstairs.

“Diana, my dear, you're up early today, how come? ” mom asked me.

“What?, is it also wrong for me to wake up early for school now? ” I asked her back while rolling my eyes at her.

“Well my night was good, how about yours?” my dad asked me.

“Splendid, daddy, splendid ” I said to him while smiling at my breakfast.

“You're in a good mood today, what's the secret? ” my mom asked.

“The secret is that, I can't wait to eat this breakfast fast enough so that I can finally get away from you two fairy old parents” I said smiling at them and they looked speechless.

“Am just joking guys, you both are the best of the bests” I said smiling at them and they looked relieved.

“Yeah of course we are, we are awesome parents ” my dad said.

“Okay awesome dad and mom, so  can I have a party here today after school, wait scratch that, I am going to have a party today after school, so I need a loaded credit card I can use for it” I said to them as a matter of fact.

My parents said at the same time.

“No?, why?, come on parents, just let me have my party without questions and interrogations ” I said to them.

“I said no Diana, it hasn't even been long you started school, and now you wanna have a party, Diana I thought we talked about this last year, have you suddenly forgotten your low grades last session, you have just this year to make it right and you are not gonna do that by partying ” my mom lectured me.

“But mother, I am studying for my exams this session, I promise this party won't distract me, so just let me have it” I said pleading with her.

“No. No. No., what part of it don't you understand, No!” my mom yelled at me.

This woman is really something else, it's just a party for crying out loud.

“Dad please say something, I want to have this party, I need to ” I pleaded with daddy.

“Diana just respect your mom's decision OK?” He said to me.

“No not okay, I need to have this party, please guys just let me have my party just this once, please?” I pleaded with them again.

“This conversation is over. Honey I'll be on my way to work now, love you, oh and you too Diana” she gave me a smile and left the house.

“Daddy come on, please let me have this party, please I beg you, and you don't have to listen to mom anyway” I said to him immediately mom left.

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