Chapter 19* Nervous wreck*

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Update alert!🔊🔊🔊

My point has been made once again😂.
Carry on!....


Diana's POV

We've been sitting here for almost an hour and I was beginning to get tired of waiting.

I frequently kept glancing at Mason every now and then. But it seemed like he wasn't paying attention to me at all.

Stupid boy!

“Hey mason, are you sure Alex will be coming here today?” I asked trying to break the silence

“Yeah ofcourse. She works here so that means coming here everyday so just relax. I'm sure she's on her way now ” he replied cooly.

And I mentally rolled my eyes.

I tried to keep myself busy as much as I could with my phone but kept getting distracted. I don't like being quiet for a long time.

I was about to say something else to Mason when I noticed his face brighten up a little bit as he looked up and smiled. That made me also turn and look up to see my very own clone or twin whichever one.

I managed to give her a small smile and she returned it.

She sat beside Mason which made me a bit jealous that I wasn't the one sitting close to him but the feeling faded as quickly as it came. I had nothing to be jealous about.

I notice her shift away from him, giving him some space.
Smart girl.

“What kept you, we've been waiting for you to come ” Mason asked facing her.

“I'm sorry. Something came up that i had to deal with first” she said apologetically.

I told her about my findings and that i would introduce her to my parents today. It was obvious she was nervous. But I managed to convince her to come with me.


When we got to Mason's car, i took my place on the front sit beside mason. And Alex sat at the back seat.

Althrough the awkward drive, i kept trying to make conversion with mason but he wasnt helping me out in anyway with his cold attitude so i just remained quiet for the rest of the drive which was a big challenge for me considering i don't like staying quiet for too long.


When we finally got to my house, i myself got a little nervous and i don't know why.

“So this is it” i said when Mason stopped the car in front of our gate.

“Do we really have to do this?, i mean i don't have to meet your parents. Really its OK ” Alex said sounding like a nervous wreck.

“Just calm down. Like I said i already told them about you coming. Okay? Just chill” I tried to calm her down but I understand why she's nervous. She's probably never been to a house this big and beautiful before, Cause she's poor and everything.

“Yeah Alex just try to be calm. Her parents don't bite” Mason chimed in. Which got him a look from me.

“Um Hello??, They're my parents. I'm the one to say if they bite or not and not you” i said with a little bit of sassiness and he just raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes.

“So as I was saying Alex. Just try to be calm okay? I mean its not like my parents bite or anything ” i said giving her a warm smile afterwards. I see Mason with the side of my eyes shake his head.

“Ok. Thank you for the comfort ” Alex managed to say back and gave a quick smile.

“Alright then!. I guess we should probably go in now.” I said. And Mason drove his car inside our gate. You see our gate is one of those electronic car motion sensing gate. So it opened on its on as we drove in.

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