t h i r t y - f o u r

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Two months later

Saint paced around his small, studio apartment, knocking his knees into the corner of his desk that was far too close to his bed. He rubbed his hands together and plopped onto the gray comforter.

He was stressing out. Not because of how hard medical school was. Not because his job was too demanding. And not because his rent was due at the end of the week. All of those were valid reasons to feel stressed, but feeling stressed about his relationship with Ender was new and scary.

The thing was he and Ender were fine. Ender was even coming over to spend the night, as he did most nights.

But Ender still hadn't asked Saint if he wanted to join his pack. That's where the stress came in. Monica was joining Ender's grandmother's pack, and it wasn't a smart idea for Saint to just be "pack-less." Everyone knew Saint and Monica would need to join a pack sooner or later, but Ender hadn't discussed the topic at all. Saint was waiting for Ender to invite him to his pack, but that seemed highly unlikely. He didn't want to go to any other pack though. He wanted to be with Ender.

Just as he was about to completely wallow in his thoughts, the doorbell rang.

Sighing, he stood up and walked to the door.

"Hey," Saint greeted, hoping his face didn't show any glumness. Of course, Ender saw right through him.

"Well, don't sound too excited to see me." Ender nudged his way in and placed a quick kiss on Saint's cheek.

"What's all this?" Saint asked, referring to the many, filled plastic bags in Ender's hands.

"Groceries. And takeout. I know you didn't have anything in your fridge last time I was here, and I doubt you had time to get anything. So, am I right or am I right?" Ender joked as he made his way to the kitchen table.

"Wow. You didn't have to do all this..."

"Please, your mom would murder me if she found out I let you starve." Since he had visited his mom, Ender had also visited again. His visit had gone a lot smoother, and Ender and his mom got to know each other much better. Consequently, she made Ender promise to take care of Saint in LA, and Ender had proven to be big on keeping his word. In fact, Saint's mother had called Ender a handful of times just to check up on Saint.

"I'm not starving... I've just been busy."

"Yeah yeah. I'm starving though, so let's eat."

As they ate, Ender must have noticed Saint's quieter behavior.

"Okay, are you really mad I bought your groceries?"

"No, I'm not mad. I'm fine-"

"You're being weird! If you have a lot of work, I can leave. Or just sit quietly on the couch, or-"

"No, it's not that."

"Okay... Then, tell me what's wrong and don't bullshit me, Saint. I know you."

Saint sighed. "Are we fine? Like me and you." Saint gestured towards them. "Are we okay?"

Ender did a double take. "Yes, of course. Where is this coming from?"

"I-I don't know. I think we're fine too."

"Well, obviously you don't if you even have to ask." Ender eyed him curiously.

"Then, why don't you want me in your pack?" Saint's voice rose a little louder than he expected.

"I..." Ender put down his fork. "Saint, I fucking love you. Of course, I want you in my pack."

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