t w e n t y - t w o

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Saint felt guilty not devoting all his attention to his and Ender's "date," but Ender didn't seem to mind. Ender had invited Saint over and when Saint asked for a raincheck due to the plethora of lectures that needed to be rewatched, notes that needed to be revised, and homework that needed to be complete, Ender seemed sad. And Saint hated to know there was something he could do about his sadness, so he gave in. Saint agreed to come over as long as Ender wouldn't distract him too much from studying. Ender's idea of "not distracting Saint too much" was a nice picnic out in the woods by the creek. He said a change of scenery would help Saint, which to an extent did. Saint couldn't be too angry at Ender though. It was one of the nicest gestures anyone had ever done for him, and he had a feeling Ender didn't do this for all his fuck buddies.

Ender was doodling in one of Saint's textbooks when he turned around to look at Saint.

"Is it your break time yet?" Saint had a method of taking 5 minute breaks in between 25 minute intervals of studying. Ender took full advantage of that break, which often took form of them nibbling on each other's lips.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you did this all to get into my pants," Saint replied, lying down on the blanket. Ender was on top of him in an instant.

"Something like that," he mumbled, leaving kisses on Saint's jawline.

"Yeah? You do this for all the guys you hook up with?"

"Only the ones I especially like." Ender took hold of Saint's bottom lip and sucked on it lightly. Saint took hold of Ender's top lip. When their lips met, it always felt like kissing for the first time. There was a jolt of electricity between them and feeling that they were the only two people in the world who mattered.

Saint pulled away to catch his breath. There was no way he could study now, not with Ender working him up like this.

"We can continue this later..." Saint said to Ender, but also to himself. "I would have to deal with the after waves of pleasure. We would have to clean up. Sorry." Saint said. "There's just too many factors."

Ender huffed, but by his initial silence, Saint knew he wouldn't protest. "Well, can you come over tonight?"

"I have my banquet, remember?"

"Can I come over after? Nevermind. It was a stupid question. I mean we're already hanging out right now-"

"I want you to come over. It'll probably be late though, and I'll be tired. So, as long as you're fine with that, come."

"I have to work late anyway, so that'll work." Ender kissed the tip of Saint's nose.

He maneuvered his body to rest his head on Saint's thigh. Saint sat back up and got back to work. As he read over his notes, his hand would absentmindedly touch Ender's face, jaw, and hair. Ender looked up at him and gave him his award-winning smile. God, he was so gorgeous. His features were sharp, but when they were together Saint noticed how Ender's eyes softened, giving him more of a look of a precious, fragile doll. It made his heart swell.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Saint asked.

"Like I'm some innocent, abandoned puppy that you need to protect."

Saint laughed. "You do remind me of a puppy."Ender glared in response. "What?! I don't see what the problem is. Puppies are cute and sweet!"

"Not this one." Ender made a show of snapping his teeth at Saint. He wasn't fazed in the slightest and just rolled his eyes. "I'm more of a wolf. Maybe, I should get a face tattoo. That would look badass."

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